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ID? NG paly or better?

I scored these green palys from the local LFS. I feel guilty because on the way out, I noticed that they charged me the wrong price, so I walked out with these for $2.99!

I've never had a NG paly, but these look a bit different than the ones I have seen online.

These pics are undoctored. No color correction/processing at all.



Not a nuclear green but still a really good find. Here's what an NG looks like:

I beg to differ having seen thousands of colonies of palys. Common would be straight brown Norm. Any color sets it aside and is a premium is charged ;) It's not a NG but it's not a common one in terms of what is imported and sold via the LFS (not frag circles).
I've seen green palys. They had some there when I got this frag. I just have never seen one THIS green in my limited experience.