
I'm lazy and want to stop my support of RC

I'm sick of not being able to search and RC getting any of my money, funny though there's not a "how to stop supporting RC" sticky. HTH do I do that?
...well, if we can manage to turn RC from a place of information into the reef version of Craig's list....oh wait. NVM.
i've donated to rc and the search function works fine for me.

also there are many other forums besides the greater bay area forum to use as a resource. it may seem like a craigslist on the greater bay area forum but not the sps, zoanthid, or reef fish forums among many other dedicated forums for specifics i.e. lighting, chemistry, etc.
Jeremy, you need to do it from Paypal..
Here is the instruction:
How do I cancel a subscription?
Question :
Answer :
Canceling a subscription cancels all future scheduled payments of that subscription. A subscription can be canceled up to the day of the next scheduled payment.
1.Log in to your PayPal account.
2.Click the My Account tab.
3.Click the History subtab.
4.Click More filters, select Subscriptions and agreements, and then click Subscriptions.
5.Change the date back to the year the subscription was created, and then click Show.
6.Click Details next to the subscription.
7.Click Cancel Subscription.
glee said:
i've donated to rc and the search function works fine for me.

also there are many other forums besides the greater bay area forum to use as a resource. it may seem like a craigslist on the greater bay area forum but not the sps, zoanthid, or reef fish forums among many other dedicated forums for specifics i.e. lighting, chemistry, etc.
I agree, I don't even use the GBA forum anymore its not worth the additional clicks to get there IMO :) I like the various subforums (large tank is my favorite) lots of eye candy, going to get me in trouble one of these days by giving me too many ideas.
glee, consider yourself lucky, it hasn't worked for me in months. I started a thread about it in the feedback forum, but some of the douchebags from the lounge came over and it turned into a bunch of noise, they wonder why RC is just a bunch of noobs lately :|

Anyway, thanks for the info Phong I'm done trying to help them and their silly little "upgrade" they've been talking about forever (seems like an ongoing excuse to me...)
After they were offline for a day the search feature has been spotty, and I am paid up.
Yeah I'm pretty sick of it, I'm on a couple of larger forums that work much more efficiently, plus the the moderation seems to be pretty biased depending on how much time you spend in the lounge playing whatever stupid game they're on :p
My one cent: It feels much less personal and you can wait a very long time to get a reply to a post does have a huge base of members from which one can gleen a great deal of information from. This is how I finally got someone to give me the measurement between hanging points on the AquaPhoton light fixture. I (sheer luck) was able to search their thread base and found "1" AquaPhoton Plus owner in LA area who did not respond to my original post but did respond to a PM sent to him begging for his help. Now we talk all the time! :cool: His set-up is nearly mirror image of mine, 400 miles away.

What I like about BAR is the local factor as well as the fact the the S.F. Bay area has some very advanced work going on with propagation, DBTC programs and more. I also am getting to like all our high end LFS's too. I must admit I'm a floozy about frequenting other forums including Reef Cafe which I get a lot of enjoyment from and often post duplicate information to regarding my builds and issues.
HAHA, neener neener, we no longer have a forum, so we can't get bullied. They prolly don't like us anyway, our goal is to devalue coral, not hype oversaturated pics of tiny frags for profit :D