Cali Kid Corals

Important Info for 6/1 Frag Swap


Frag Swap Coordinator
Hey, all; sorry for Yet Another Thread on this, but there's some important info I don't want people to miss out on.

First: If you haven't RSVP'd already, please do. It makes registration/nametags/etc a LOT easier for us, gives us more accurate info on attendance, and can influence prize volume for future swaps. Most importantly, it makes it easier for you to check in since we don't have to check membership status + write up a nametag for you on the spot!

Second: Please pay attention to the Parking Guide from the Mission Blue Center website. They specifically call out areas as tow-away zones, and we want to be good guests (in addition to not giving out a club award for Most Likely To Be Towed Again).

Third: If you haven't already, make sure you check out the raffle prizes in the main thread. @Bruce Spiegelman has completely outdone himself, so make sure you take a gander beforehand and plan ahead. This'll be a doozy.

Last, but certainly not least: @wishtoboutside , also known as Richard from CoralVue, will be participating and will have his own table at the swap to set up and demo some Hydros tech. Bring some questions about automation for him and check out all the cool toys!

Looking forward to seeing you all there! So far, including all the +1s/2s/3s, we'll have over 90 people attending!
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