Our mission

It's official...

I didn't want to but have to; things are not looking good...
I'll be taking a long break from the hobby; will be back but not any time soon, maybe when controllers are so last century and Jeremy has invented himself as a robotic Reef Keeper (Well a different name since ReefKeeper is a DA trademark) that can monitor everything.
I'll be looking for proper homes for the livestock and on with some equipment; not all since "I'll be back" (Austrian accent please)
I'm not in a rush to rid of anything, need to enjoy at least the sound of the return pump...
sorry to here that this sounds bad but sell the tanks you can replace that but not the car, i rather go flat broke then ever give up my impala or my new charger,LOL
Man sucks Mario, that's one less vote we get for us Pennisula BAR members! ;)

Well whenever you do come back you're always welcomed to anything out of my tanks.