Cali Kid Corals

January 2012 BAR Meeting featuring Matt Wandell - room 1904

Make sure to allow for extra time if you're heading to the meeting.

The football game starts at 1:30 pm and I can see traffic getting backed up.
Solid turnout today for Matt's talk by hardcore reefers (that's why we have DVR's) !
I picked up some feeding techniques to sucessfully keep anthias and I want to give flashlight fish a shot (plus I won't need moonlights :D).

What did you guys learn ?
Yes, very good talk.

One key thing I picked up was the importance of really feeding new fish in QT.
You need to break the old ingrained habit of worrying about water quality,

On the flashlight fish : I wonder if they can see in 660 nm red led wavelengths?
I bet they can't.
Might allow you to see what is going on in the tank without spooking them.
I also feed like crazy for new arrivals. I do water changes every other day though. Adding beta glucan, vitamins, & selcon helps also.
Matt pounded away on feeding, but at a deeper level it was the planning that stood out. Having done this a few times planning certainly is key. Having the food, having the water ready, etc..

There shouldn't be an impulse buy was that message to me...
Yes! So glad you guys enjoyed it and took away good messages!

Mark, that is worth a shot. I have used a red light on them in the past and they seem to ignore it. You can also train them eventually to come to a dim light (like a moonlight) if you turn it on at feeding time. That will give you a good chance to observe them.
Hi Steve, yes Tim took those with him before he left. Did he get his flash drive back? Thanks again for the help.
Matt, thanks for the enjoyable and educational seminar! I learned how to keep a moorish idol, and how to smash shrimp into broccoli. I see a new dim sum recipe in there too...