Cali Kid Corals

Jeff's 120

[quote author=70Cuda link=topic=4762.msg72199#msg72199 date=1230781642]
I too use all of those plus one more. Can remember what its called but really like it. Basically same as yellow one but smaller at the end for getting into tighter spots.

Ooo... you must send me a link or something. With the tank only being 18" deep I for certain have some "tighter spots". Thanks!
[quote author=sid700 link=topic=4762.msg72201#msg72201 date=1230783163]
I just happen upon this thread and read all of it. Thank you very much for sharing Jeff. Outstanding work. Kudos to your wife too - I'm sure her support and looking after two boys are surely appreciated.

On that note, my youngest son has been a huge helper and really gets a kick out of handing me a tool, ziptie, etc. He especially loved wearing goggles, earplugs and a mask while I cut the plexiglass on my table saw showering him with white shavings. Closest thing he will get to snow this "winter".
My first "store bought" calcium reactor. Previously I have used a DIY version I did 2 years or so ago. Worked ok... I expect this one to work much better... at least it better ;) It's a Korallin Calcium Reactor 3002 with a Dual Guage CO2 Regulator Deluxe and a 10 lbs CO2 tank. Will fit comfortably to the left of my sump/fuge. Should get it in the mail in the next week or so. Probably about the same time the Reef Fanatic ATO shows up.
Happy New Year everyone! Luckily I have the day off tomorrow to recover ;).... and work on my fish tank. Tomorrow is all about getting the canopy and lights nailed. Everyone be safe this evening.
So I got my canopy put on the tank today. The lighting makes the tank look gorgeous. My current picture taking abilities do not do it justice but here they are. I am running 2 250W 14K Metal Halides and two 110W VHO Actinics along with 4 Ice Cap super blue LED's . I still have a little work to do on hiding the PH's and wires but I'm getting close.



For perspective this tank is 88" tall or 7'4". The livestock that is currently in this tank is a dozen chromis, 1 firefish, a pair of cardinals, 1 coral banded shrimp, 2 fire shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp, 2 pepperment shrimp and a variety of hermits and snails.
[quote author=bluenassarius link=topic=4762.msg72308#msg72308 date=1230858334]
jeff thats very cool the way you did the rock work. is it glued to the glass?

Thanks... It's four upright pieces of 1/2" PVC about 24" long coming out of PVC stands. The rock is all drilled and either slipped over the PVC pipe or ziptied to the pvc pipe. If you look at some of the starting aquascaping pics you can see the pipe. Doing it this way there is no rock touching the bottom pane of acrylic and there is a clear 2-3" space behind all the LR.
[quote author=tuberider link=topic=4762.msg72309#msg72309 date=1230859611]
That shot does bring it into perspective, looks real nice.

Thanks man... Ya, I was looking at the other pics and you just couldn't get a true since of the size of the tank so I figured a pic with me standing next to it would bring it all into perspective.
Just installed magnetic child locks on the cabinets. Works really well. Will keep unwanteds (my kids and their friends) ;) out of the cabinet.

Also installed some insulation strips around the cabinet doors of the stand and canopy. Now there is no light leaking out of them and gives an even better finish.

Taking me forever to finish up the removable back panel of the stand. It should be dry and ready for install later this evening. Once on I'll clean up my wires and take some pics to post. This weekend I will be cutting out, staining, poly and install of the trim around the tank where it sits on the stand. Will use Liquid nails to put it down.
Tested again today.

pH Pinpoint monitor has showd the PH range from 8.08 to 8.27 today
Temp has held steady at 79 throughout the day
Salinity was at 1.027 this morning and is now at 1.026 via a slow freshwater topoff (can't wait for the ATO to arrive)
Ammonia and Nitrites remain at 0 via Salifert Test
Nitrates are less than 5 via Salifert

All fish and shrimp are active and eating. Though this tank has been set up for only a couple of days I consider the system to be going on 4 months old with the move from the smaller tank. Will continue to monitor closely.
Have had this urchin for years. I've always kept him in the refugium. He helps keep my algae dialed back, cleans the glass, and will eat anything that has died... fish, snails, crabs... you name it.

So I took any and all corals off the rock I put into this new tank with the exception of this guy; rest went into frag tank. I have a couple more with two mouths ready to split so this guy got to be the first test subject in the tank. So far so good. I believe he will really start to extend himself in the next 48 hours. Ideally I want to see this rock covered in Ricordeas.

[quote author=bluenassarius link=topic=4762.msg72369#msg72369 date=1230881608]
i love urchins. :) can't have em cuz of my macroalgae tho :)

Luckily mine has always grown so fast he's never really put a significant dent in it. I actually had 3 Urchins until I took two into max this week. I had a long spiny and a pencil that I new would be just too much down here. This guy is stayin though... ;D