
Jeff's 75G conversion from FOLR to reef

“ if you need it to be dead silent, unplug the power cords.” -Mario

A while back I bought an Eheim 1250 from a reefer; he said it was very silent.
Later when I needed it running, I plugged it in and sure it was silent, dead silent; it had no impeller.
Another person sold me an impeller for it later. I guess he could remove the impeller of the pumps if he’s not willing to unplug the power.
Added a tiny Red Dragonet to my home tank. Super cute little fish. Vertex skimmer and Apex should arrive Wednesday. Still contemplating pulling the trigger on the SC 120 and building a new stand. My mom is coming for Christmas and she sleeps in the fish room (my wife calls it "The Swamp") but she's leaving on the I'll have time.
You can’t post about getting an awesome fish and then not add pictures ...

Edit: no clue why it said “can” originally. Fixed now.
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So here's my current livestock..

Blue Tang
Flame Angel
Two Clowns
Watchman Goby
Blue and Yellow Damsel
Foxface Wrasse
Cleaner Shrimp
some branching corals.

I want to add a couple more fish that would be very colorful but also reef safe.

Today at AC I picked up a Naoki, Carpenter Wrasse, purple fire fish, and a Yellow Eye Tang. Three corals and three 200 gallon boxes of sand. Thanks Karston. Had some great bonding time with Mario as well
I can't get pictures to work when I post from the laptop either, but when I post from TapaTalk on my phone it works every time?!?!

Posting via the website has an image size limit of 5MB. Using Tapatalk doesn't have the same limit because it uses their servers vs BAR's. I haven't actually checked yet, but I think tapatalk compreseses your images and lowers the resolution of them.
after a snail crawled into my overflow pipe--I got the strainers installed and Mike plumbed it for me. My new Trigger Ruby 36 sump is working super. Macro is growing like crazy. Tank parameters solid. Started a QT and got four new fish and 4 new corals are all cooking and under observation.

Huge thanks to Mario and Mike for all their time and support. Thanks to all the members who have provided guidance and answers to my stupid questions.

Hoping 2019 will be a terrific year
UPGRADE UPGRADE UPGRADE!!!! I am upgrading to a 105 gallon tank--CD Happy's tank. Super excited. Sold my 75 gallon (fire sale) and will be picking up the 105 Feb 2nd. Will be building an 8' built in stand that will be about 40" tall. I will have a ton of space underneath the stand (finally) and am super excited. Pictures will follow