Cali Kid Corals

Jugato's 28g Nano Cube

sfboarders said:
99sf said:
Great photos! What's shown in the last photo? Have any full-tank shots?

Heh, that last photo is the purple fungia frag I cut up for DBTC. :D

Yep, that it is. Thank you John!

Most recent FTS

I haven't moved anything up on the rocks yet as I'm still waiting for the algae cycles to end. Also, I want to get a RBTA and figure it might be better to let it find its spot in the bare rocks first so that it doesn't sting everything as its moving around.
My boyfriend let me borrow his camera so I got to play around with a macro lens for the first time, taking pictures of the corals I was able to pick up at the swap thanks to Christina and the the free table.. Turns out taking pictures through a bow front is a real PITA but some of them turned out okay.

Favia and Green Eyed Echino Christina gave to me.


Orange Skirt Zoas which were on the free table.

Dove Shell Snail (aka Strombus grazer) I got from zepplock.
Thought I would share some pictures I took today.

2 of my first frags have shown growth, but have lost color. The Superman Monti:

And the Sunset Monti:

The Favia I got at the swap has been encrusting over the exposed skeleton where it was sawed into pieces:

The purple Fungia I got from sfboarders has colored up some:

The corals given to me by yardartist at last month's meeting:



Finally, current FTS:
99sf said:
Nice update photos! Tank looks very clean.

Thank you! The cleanliness is actually fairly new. I had a lot of algae growth for a while but the growth of my snail population (dove shell snails I got from Zepplock plus some small hitchhikers which I assume are some sort of collonista snails) has finally exceeded that of the algae. The amphipods are probably helping with the cleanliness too. I don't have any fish yet so I have a rather large population of pods which I see grazing the rocks and sand all the time.

99sf said:
Are you happy with the LED lights that came with your nanocube?

Not completely but that is currently because the dawn / dusk lights broke about 2 weeks ago. The tank has only been running since July so I don't think there is any reason they should have failed already. I haven't tried contacting the manufacturer yet to file a warranty claim.

Other than that, the jury is still out on the stock LEDs. Some corals are coloring up under them; an Acro frag I got at the swap was totally brown and is now florescent green (though the label said it was 'sky blue') and the purple Fungia frag has colored up nicely since being added. But my sunset & superman Montis are all washed out, though they are growing.
Figured I would update my thread since I hadn't done so in a long while.

The "cleanliness" from the FTS back in November is gone. I'm currently battling both read turf algae and a cyano outbreak. I had been skimmerless for a long while but the cyano was bugging me so I finally added a protein skimmer several weeks ago and have been doing more frequent water changes to help reduce nutrients. Last week I added a Turbo snail to eat the red turf algae and it seems to be slowly making progress. I did some searches of the forum history and found some posts recommending sand stirrers to help with the cyano so today I added a couple Nassarius since my Ceriths spend a significant portion of their time out of the sand. I also put in fresh GFO and GAC today when I was doing a water change even though my tests are reporting essentially 0 for NO3 and PO4. If those steps don't have an impact on the cyano I may also try the 3 days of darkness I read about a couple of times.

Also, I've accepted the fact that there isn't room in the tank for a BTA, unless I'm going to remove some of the corals I have, which I don't want to do. So, since I'm not going to get the BTA, I'm also going to pass on the pair of clowns I was planning. Thanks to the thread linking to Matt Wandell's nano fish list I'm instead going to try for a pair of Orchid Dottybacks but I haven't gotten them yet.

Hopefully I'll have some updated photos soon. I tried to take some yesterday but I'm using a new camera and none of the shots turned out. I'll have to go back and read the manual to figure out how to get pictures which aren't washed out and out of focus.
dday80 said:
Awesome idea with the rock lift! I really like the setup you have.
Thank you for the complement. However, I can't take credit for the rock lift. I got the idea from the internets. :p If you look at the original post in this thread there's a link to where I picked up the idea. FWIW, so far I'm glad I did it.

I'm still having problems getting decent pictures from my new camera. Almost all the pictures are washed out. Also, the bowed front glass of the tank makes it really difficult to get most of the corals in focus now that they're up on the rocks rather than on the sand close to the front glass. I think this will be the only bowed glass tank I ever get. Still, I managed to get a few.

This is one of the first corals I added to the tank. I got it at the swap last August. It has grown significantly since then:

My 2 newest frags:


And some inverts:

Coral reefer said:
Orchids are dope!

I'm really looking forward to them. Robert at Neptune is supposed to be getting them in tomorrow so hopefully I'll have them tomorrow or Saturday. They are the last additions I'm planning for the tank so then it's just a matter of watching everything grow out.
So my Orchid Dottyback plans didn't quite turn out. One of the pair never did well and died a few days later. The other is doing well though.


Also, some updated FTSs. The first with the back half in focus and the second with the front.

lattehiatus said:
Fantastic looking tank! Does the dottyback come out to frolic?

Thanks for the strombus snails, BTW. :)


The dottyback doesn't come out much currently but he's getting a bit braver each day at feeding time. I'm hoping that as he settles in he'll be more visible.

You're welcome for the snails. Have you noticed any egg cases on the glass yet?
Some pics of some of the corals I got at BAYMAC.

The Paly's from Stewart's Frag Farm. Anyone willing to guess their proper name?

My chalice from Neptune. Looks like the entry for Christmas Chalice on coralpedia but also looks a bit like Frog in Blender Chalice I've seen on here so don't know what it really is. My camera isn't capturing colors correctly. It is dark green and pink.

What I thought was a small Frogspawn frag turned out to be quite a bit larger once it fully inflated.