High Tide Aquatics

Just in case your looking for a 5M$ house.

The latest one I did is less than $4M!!!


Tell your Millionaire friends :)
Good god Jon!

If I could afford a house like that, I sure as hell wouldn't buy one in San Francisco, but you do good work so I'll bring you out to my land to work on my castle :D
Red oak stained with Dura Seal Ebony stain.
The darkest Dura Seal makes.
Before the stain is applied we wet the floor with water and let it dry.
This "pops" the grain of the wood and allows for a deeper color.
JAR said:
Before the stain is applied we wet the floor with water and let it dry.
This "pops" the grain of the wood and allows for a deeper color.
Always wondered why my wood floors get such a super dark grain when I mop them... however any seal they had was long gone.