Reef nutrition

Kalkwasser Check Valve Sucks

I have a Geo Kalk Reactor that is great but the check valve keeps failing. I've replaced it twice and the same thing happens... backflow and a resevoir full of kalkwasser.
Check valve the intake and not the outflow and you should be fine ;)
It is on the intake but it always fails and then kalk gets stuck in there and then it won't even allow flow in the forward direction.

This is what it looks like. Geo sells replacements but they're crap.
hiepatitis said:
It is on the intake but it always fails and then kalk gets stuck in there and then it won't even allow flow in the forward direction.

intake = incoming RODI water. If it's on the intake how in the world are you getting Kalk in there? Now you need to post pics as this makes very little sense. A check valve closes and doesn't allow fluid/air to travel back against it. If it's on the intake (incoming water) Kalk laden water would have to travel back up the intake line which means water is passing backwards through the intake to allow it to travel at all.
those check valves are great, sounds like user error. I use those ones all over our facility with no problems what so ever. They are not made to go on the output of the kalk reactor. No check valve will work if it's getting caked up with Kalk.
No. I'm pretty sure I have it installed right. It's going from the RODI water to the chamber. The kalk is getting in there because the check valve is failing and siphoning lime water from the chamber back to the resevoir.

Setup is just like diagram b
Faulty valve then as it should not back siphon what so ever.

How are you feeding it?