Video is awesome! Your record of anemone settling in is great to have here. I liked the cheering section of club members along the way.
So do all of the clowns sleep in the H Mag? Does the female try to keep it all for herself? Has it moved from its perch? Anyone going into the BTA? Did they used to go in the BTA? What does the H Mag look like in the night? I guess I am interested in an update when you post!
Thanks Maureen! The cheer squad was incredible. I had quite the support from others too (Derrick / D-Nak helped a ton with his advice and check-ins, and the seller, Gig'em in texas) which made it all possible.
Here's some answers to your questions:
This early morning I woke up at 4am to check on everything. 4 of the 6 clowns were in it, the other two were near by.
The female and alpha male have now chased out all the little ones, even though they were the last to get in. It's a bummer. I can tell how badly the little ones want in. They keep getting closer and closer, then swim away because the mocha gladiators (alpha male and female) constantly patrol the whole mag. It's pretty cool to see actually. The good news is aggression otherwise is totally gone. The little ones don't fight with each other, and the alpha and female just assert their home and that's it. The small mocha swims very close to my BTA's and even looks at them, but he has yet to get in there. They're not nearly as big, and have been on the move since I added that green/purpletip BTA. The new BTA immediately went for the same spot as my Rainbow BTA, I guess it's a good spot. But somehow the green/purpletip pushed out the rainbow to the front (which is great). They're both not totally inflated so they're a bit small now (3"). The Rainbow BTA was 4" fully inflated before, and the green was 7" at the seller's tank inflated. Hopefully they'll get big enough and draw the attention of the small clowns. I don't think I could fit another mag in here
The clowns never went to the BTA. I've seen them look at it, but never cared much. When I put the mag into the breeder box, they could NOT stop trying to get in. They loved that thing from the moment they saw it. What a difference! So crazy how a natural host has such a big draw on captive bred clowns that have never seen one before.
The mag hasn't moved from it's perch. It's in the exact same spot I placed him. I guess he likes it there. Currently slowly whips around in a wave motion, it's so beautiful to see, especially with the clowns ducking in and out of it. It's inflated probably 50% more than my last photos. It oscellates from short and squat, to tall and vase like, showing it's base like a vase and rising up high. When it does that, the clowns circle the base like sharks, all the while grazing their faces on the base. It must feel really good?
The mag at night looks no different. I shined a light in there and it was the same. I know some will close up or look different at night, but it was only the first night out in the DT rock, so not sure if it'll be different later. I'll try to take a photo tonight =)
Overall, I love this nem, both because the movement in the water is absolutely mesmerizing and the clownfish look absolutely delighted. I can't believe how freakin happy they look in there. Constantly wiggling, smashing their faces, swimming through. I don't think I'll ever be able to keep ocellaris again without a magnifica.