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Klir di-4 (2nd gen) or Aquamax Af-1 for Waterbox 80 gallon

Prince Shah

Supporting Member

I am in a dilemma and thought I will bounce off the idea from your guys.

I have waterbox 80.2 which is 4x2 and 19 gallon sump. Currently I have protein skimmer and have retro fitted manifold to run GFO and Bio pallets. I also run Santa Monica HOG .3 to control nitrates but not impressed with it (air pipe gets clogged with salts and calcium).

I order Klir di-4 (2nd generation with 11 RPM motor and also smooth bottom plate preventing tear). This will fit perfectly in my 4 inch sock bracket with out any mod. However, I started to google around and found that Aquamaxx came out with AF-1 pretty much similar to ClariSea Sk3000 and Bubble magnus but for $200. It does have higher capacity of 1350 GPH compare to DI-4 750 GPH.

I do have some space for AF-1 in my sump and thinking that I will use one of the outlet from manifold to feed into the filter roller. That way I dono't have to mod and everything stays inside the sump avoid possibility of flooding.

PS: I wanted automatic filter roller as I do go out of town for weeks (3 weeks) for work.

Here are the two product links for ref:

Cheers !! and thank you in advance for helping.