
Lawrence's first (90g) salt water tank

Replacing the top seems smart. The overflow itself has a leak or the bulkheads in it leak? I can help you get it going.

There is no leak. Was just advised to replace the top so that pieces don't come off and fall in the tank.

The other problem we kept having was trying to get the seals properly tight by tightening them on the intake to the sump. Always a tiny leak. Mostly a small drip but still didn't want to chance a bigger issue down the road-so can a sealer be used?

Thanks coral reefer-any help appreciated.

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Consolidating Lawrence's and my replies...
- The top frame is a precaution.
- The leak/drip is at the bulkhead. Erin advised buying aquarium sealant - which we bought, just haven't had the mojo to pull everything apart again.

And, yes, Erin... for realbies!
I looked at the first few pics on your journal, it's a 48x18; for some reason the last image made me think it was a 36x18.
For the bulkhead leak problem, I think you can remove it without having to move the tank; there are some sockets? used in plumbing, large enough to loosen the nut side then hand-remove it; new bulk-head, new gasket and some silicon to be on the safe side. It also depends on the opening of the stand where the BH plumbing passes through. Big Channel-lock pliers might do the trick as well. Make sure (if you go this way) to clean the inside of the tank's overflow chamber of any sand for a nice seal of the gasket.
I looked at the first few pics on your journal, it's a 48x18; for some reason the last image made me think it was a 36x18.

Yes, 48x18.

For the bulkheads - we are getting to be experts at removing and putting back. We were cautioned not to over-tighten so we got some aquarium sealant to put around the base of the bulkheads. Just hesitant to do anything without an expert around. I've (Betsy) been scoping Yelp for folks to hire for setup - we just aren't going to do it ourselves. But we'd rather have a rec from this smart crew!

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Fun times ahead.





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Plumbing complete. Silicone for the top rim is drying, we'll add water and Ocean Mix tomorrow, then live bacteria.

Mike is amazing. That is all.


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Thanks for all the positive support from the gang! You keep us motivated.

Water is in. I (Betsy) will wait for Lawrence to turn on the return pump and ensure we are leak-free, but we have a lot of faith in Mike's handiwork.

Next up: add in the waves, add in the salt, add in some live bacteria.

I've got tons of unexciting photos of water filling the tank. Still using Kold Ster-Il + DI. And eating up the resin.

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The photos don't do justice to how excited we are.

Cycling! Cloudy, flotsam and such. We just ordered some felt socks for the sump to help get it clear again. And a magnetic eraser. :)

Lawrence adding the ocean mix (before):

The AquaNotes controller app on the iPhone. Working our way up to 78 - the MH are helping out the heater a bunch.

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Ok for heating and satisfaction, but don't run the lights during the cycle or else you'll get more algae than necessary

Will do! Lights were only on for a couple of hours - temp is at 74.4 already and for now we'll just bring it to 78 with the heater in the sump.

The salinity seems a little low, but we'll add in tomorrow after everything is well mixed.

Still figuring things out, but it is nice to be running the tank.

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