Cali Kid Corals

Let’s see your outdoor/utility/garage water change setup!



Current USA eflux 6009 pump. And puratek deluxe rodi. And two 10 gallon brute trash bins. You might be asking why only 10 gallons and that’s because I have to sneak stuff into my house and slowly upgrade to a bigger size. Setup was designed and built by ashburn2k (components where my choice).
Here is my setup. Its a bit crazy and I still need to get the calcium reactor running. I have a couple of hose bibs in the closet and a floor sink to drain everything.
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I had to take off the cover plate as the hole was too small.
View attachment 24998

Did you keep the Schuran CaRx all the years you were on hiatus? Is a sweet piece of equipment and being able to mount it on a vertical surface is a plus. Reminds me of the KnopC I had at one point chosen just because of that feature.
Did you keep the Schuran CaRx all the years you were on hiatus? Is a sweet piece of equipment and being able to mount it on a vertical surface is a plus. Reminds me of the KnopC I had at one point chosen just because of that feature.
Yes I did. When they stopped bringing it into the US I knew I had to keep it.
A little while back, someone was selling a huge one, was tempted but I’m also sober...
I know there is a jetstream 2, but this jetstream 1 was on my system before with a 225 display and a 150 rubbermaid frag area. I can't imagine how big of a system the jetstream 2 would be good for.
One fresh sw and the other rodi. Litermeters pull into tank and ato reservoir. I have the old sw drain from the tank to a 5g bucket to do water changes on a res sea nano as needed.