
Light bulbs. HELP!!!

Hi Guys

I need some advice in regards DE Metal Halides bulbs and Power Compact straight pin actinic bulbs.
I will be replacing mine very soon and I would like to switch from the existing 250 W 14K to a 250W 20K. First I want more of a blue color so help me with your opinion and experience.
Here are the options:

[list type=decimal]
[*]250W 20k by Hamilton
[*]250W 20K by XM
[*]250W 20K by Ushio
[*]250W 20K by Aqualine
250W 20k by Coralvue
250W 20k by Reeflux

Now the next advice is in regards the actinic,
Which bulb would give more of a bluer actinic color?

Super Actinic 03, 420 nm
Actinic 454 nm
[/list type=decimal]
This sounds like a 250 SE and some t5HO's.

IIRC, the reeflux 14k bulb is a good blue bulb. If it is any thing like the 150watt phoenix, you can do well pairing it up with a super actinic and blue plus bulbs by ATI. This will give you a lot of blue/pop. It won't be a while looking tank.
That's a personal decision but some helpful info:

I think Green marine runs all XM 250W. I know you've been there but it might help to drop in, I think they have them in several stages of burned in - end of life - etc. Following this logic, whenever you go into a store, ask them if they are running any of the lights you are considering. There is no replacement for seeing the light over a tank in my opinion, and this should help you narrow down your options.

I personally strongly prefer the real actinic(1.Super Actinic 03, 420 nm) bulbs over the blue light bulbs. I've always wanted strong fluorescence when the actinics are on, and the higher number actinic bulbs don't do it for me. With the 03 bulbs, the light will look very dim but the coral will fluoresce strongly, the other bulbs will appear brighter but show less actual crazy colors. I may be wrong, but the reason the PC bulb option of the higher blue even exists is because it took a long time for the PC bulb manufacturers to create a true actinic for the hobby. During this time, some people got used to the brighter, lighter blue and it's stuck around as a holdover.

This is entirely based on using actinics as a completely aesthetic add on not as a growth supplement. If you have other goals then you may prefer different options. You have only listed 20K bulbs so I am assuming your top priority is "the prettiness factor".

Hope that helped.


Hope that helped.
I am looking to bring out more the coloring on the corals, I currently have a 14k bulb and I have been thinking of going with a 20k.
Your input is very helpful.
While not directly applicable due to a different light setup, I'm getting some crazy coloration while not looking like blue dye was dosed into the tank (It is blue, but not insanely blue).

1x 150watt DE 14k Phoenix
2x ATI Blue Plus
1x ATI Super Actinic
1x ATI Purple Plus (brings out reds)