Reef nutrition

Light recommendation for Red Sea 130?

[QUOTE="Vhuang168, post: 276542, member:
Corals don't really care if the light comes on suddenly or gradually. Fish might get spooked but get over it pretty quickly. If you have the tubes on separate ballasts, you can turn each one on individually.[/QUOTE]
Everything he said is good. But specifically this. You are over thinking and over valuing the ramp up/down.
I don't mind fiddling with shit I love the challenge but don't love high prices. Thank u for all the info I don't know coral didn't mind the sudden 100% lights on I thought it would shock the coral just like the fish. All my SPS look like they r doing fine with expos goon to my acro that suddenly dies. But I know acros r hard and wasn't a smart buy but the LFS convinced me other wise. I think ur right I'm gunna just wait and save my penny's until I finally set up my 120

T5 dimming retrofit kits
You recoup the up front LED costs in a few years if you add up power savings and bulb replacement.
Although power savings is not quite as good as you might think, since you end up having heaters on more.

You may look into the DIY - LED a bit. Some kits are surprisingly simple. No soldering.

Note: New corals sometimes seem to have issues being put under LED. A bit of a shock.
I had a DIY T5+LED hybrid on my old 55G, and it seemed much more forgiving than my current all-LED.