Supporting Member
I have the Kessil AP700 for a 75 gallon tank. What lighting schedule do you recommend?
I run the same lights. Early on in a tank, you can exacerbate the algae problem with too strong a light and on for too many hours. Once you get past the algae issues, and you get the mounting height correct (8" to 14" above the water surface I think) you can't really go wrong with intensity. Then color spectrum is mostly up to what do you like to look at. I only ever cranked mine up to 80% intensity on my main tank and run 50% max on my smaller one. I have 3 settings I switch between depending on what I want to look at; daylight, deep blue, and the one in between that I
I will give that a tryIf you're having algea issues, then I've heard that your should turn the red and green to 0. That's what I did.