Cali Kid Corals

Living Water Planet Build 2.0

Rock scape outside the tank as much as you can. Fill tank 3/4 with salt water to help you place the rock once you're ready. Salt water helps with buoyancy. Those rock formations get really heavy when glued together, so get some extra hands.

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Disagree. Scape dry if you can. If rocks stay stacked dry they will stay when they get wet.
It is nice to scape dry, especially if inside the tank. Prevents your arms from getting wet and sand from kicking up if using sand. On the other hand, wet does help you arrange large rocks around as they will feel lighter, and prevent dropping, especially if bare bottom. With a larger tank, you will probably find yourself rescaping after several days, weeks, years... it's never perfect! lol
Yeah if you're just gonna stack a bunch of rock, then inside the tank dry. If you're gonna glue, drill, use acrylic posts, zip ties etc, then scape outside tank and place afterwards.

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How'd you fit it in the Lexus? And what does lab grade mean in regards to a stainless steel stand?

Elos 70 is only 55 gallons so it did fit in an RX350 with the seats down...barely. My 'new' 180+ gallon needed movers.

I use the term "lab grade" very loosely to describe the stand. It is basically a stainless steel clad "tank" built just like the equipment found in my commercial lab client

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My first attempt with my new tank.

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For some reason looks small-ish

Probably because it is almost a cube. It is 30" deep, 30" tall, and 48" long, which gives it a similar shape to my Elos 70 but with three times more volume and the overflow is centered instead of offset. The RC website calculates 187 gallons for its dimensions.
That was fast!

I am on sabbatical from work, so reefing is my day job right now ;-) I liked my first attempt, so I went with it. I only needed to epoxy a couple of rocks up high. I just realized that this scape is similar to my old Elos 70 scape except the "mountain" is on the left this time instead of the right.