Reef nutrition

Living Water Planet Build 2.0

That would be so much work on my end. I guess if you wanted to come over and do it for me I would accept.

Yes, work or $$$ I paid my movers just last Monday to pick it up all the way from Pleasanton to Livermore. Plus all the effort to loosen, save the original plumbing, and tighten the overflow bulkhead. I'll get used to the extra 10" ;-)
Photo Mar 29, 6 56 57 PM.jpg

Light fixture, water, and Apex are online!

Photo Mar 29, 6 57 35 PM.jpg

Gotta work on getting rid of microbubbles.

Photo Mar 29, 6 56 50 PM.jpg

Laying out controllers to mount on the wall. Apex trim seems to match the Elos Planet II!

Photo Mar 29, 7 00 59 PM.jpg

Is it weird to admit I missed playing with a skimmer and watching a fuge as much as growing a reef on the DT?
Are those all extension cords plugged into apex? How hard was it to get them through the hole above it? What are those power bricks on the left? Lighting?
Are those all extension cords plugged into apex? How hard was it to get them through the hole above it? What are those power bricks on the left? Lighting?

Most are extension cords except the two MH ballasts on #2 and #3.

It was very difficult to get them through the 2" hole. The last two were only able to get through because they were not thick extension cords - MH ballast cords.

Yes, on the left are two MH ballasts. I had a pair of IceCaps, but one was not working. @xcaret (Mario) was kind enough to send me a spare ballast (top one)...I still owe him some of my own extras ;-)
The Visio 187g is now cycled most likely accelerated by Dr. Tim's One and Only Bacteria and Ammonia, a small case of old Elos bacteria conditioners, Bioptim, and Biodigest. Fish were introduced two days ago and all have survived except one. A school of Banggai Cardinals, a Powder Blue Tang, and a circus/car full of clowns are all eating and getting along swimmingly in the new reef. A turbo snail brought some coralline on its camper, so hopefully, this little seed will start coloring up the bone-white formerly live rock.