We use GoDaddy / LiquidWeb.
Forum software is XenForo.
Currently at $50/month, and we can afford to go higher if needed, although within reason of course, and pending BOD approval.
Dropping it to $25 is nice, but will not make a noticeable difference to club overall activities,
so if it comes down to a better site versus a bit of money, we would pick a better site.
Do not assume the DBTC data base can be used with simple standard blog/forum software.
Although there are other options on that as well.
Forum software is XenForo.
Currently at $50/month, and we can afford to go higher if needed, although within reason of course, and pending BOD approval.
Dropping it to $25 is nice, but will not make a noticeable difference to club overall activities,
so if it comes down to a better site versus a bit of money, we would pick a better site.
Do not assume the DBTC data base can be used with simple standard blog/forum software.
Although there are other options on that as well.