Cali Kid Corals

Looking to borrow a prime 16hd or Kessil 360 for a week

B the Nano Reefer

Supporting Member
Sold the spare I had and now the one over my frag tank went out. Will only need for a week as I’ve already ordered and am just waiting for my new one to come in.

I'm in Pleasant Hill and have a Kessil A360WE you could borrow. (I will give it a quick dust cleaning.) Do you need a gooseneck or other mounting accessory?
Shout out to @MolaMola. Wow! What a kind and accommodating person. Thanks for the quick hookup! And thank you all others for the offers!

I think we should have a “member of the quarter award” and give out a small prize (maybe a frag or some piece of equipment) in recognition. I nominate @MolaMola for Q1 2022!
Thanks. It worked out easily and helping each other out is common - a big part of BAR.