High Tide Aquatics

Loud Clicking Starup Noise - Hydor Koralia 1400

I bought two new hydor koralia evolution 1400's and the matching controller to put in my tank for alternating current. But in testing it in my 40 gallon (just one power head) The star tup click is really loud. So loud in fact it freaks my Mystery and Leopard wrasse out and they frantically swim around and look like they want to jump.

I know this is how they were designed by Hydor, but in my opinion this is a HUGE product design flaw. If their pumps stress out the animals in the tank, I don't want them there.

Is there any way to fix this or is there a DIY way to stop the impeller from hitting the bushing?

Am I fighting a losing battle and I should just return the whole package and go with something else? I would consider the Ecotech's but at the price point of $1,000 for 2 power heads just seems ridicules to me. I mean there is not that much technology there to warrant that price.

Any ideas?
Make sure that bushing still has the rubber piece on it.
It is normally not super-loud.
But yes, mine all click as well.

The Koralia magnums do not click, and that is what I have on my controller.
Although the big rush of water alone does startle the fish a bit.
I only turn them on/off them every hour, and not at all at night.

Consider the truly controllable Koralia or Tunze.
If you do decide to go a different route, I am very happy with my Tunze set up. I have 4 6205's running on a wavemaker at full power and they are dead silent. Switching on and off all day I never hear a thing. I have had a couple minor problems with them (bad cord connection ended up being the issue) and Tunze was very easy and quick to deal with getting them fixed. I am sure on a 40 gallon tank you could use much smaller pumps than I have........


I think either of these would be perfect.
It sucks that it freaks your fish out but I too would agree that it's a product design flaw. The startup should be gradual and the stoppage should be as well.