I find it odd that all of you are having mag issues with the SeaChem yet I chew through bucket after bucket and the mag fluctuates between 1450-1550. It makes me nervous to use it in FO tanks with snails it's so high at times. Best bet is if your having problems contact SeaChem with the batch number, don't sit on your hands, it helps for them to know if there are issues, plus they will take care of you IME 
I've been using the Salinity now 100% and am pretty much done with anything coming out of "the big mixer" too many problems with levels being all over the place. BTW, Tony is correct the Salinity salt does not cost more than any of the other brands, look at the numbers.
Rommel, according to the IO/RC formulation guy, if you mix the bucket all that does is redistribute the crystals so what's at the top of the bucket may be different than what's at the bottom, or the center and the sides.
I've been using the Salinity now 100% and am pretty much done with anything coming out of "the big mixer" too many problems with levels being all over the place. BTW, Tony is correct the Salinity salt does not cost more than any of the other brands, look at the numbers.
Rommel, according to the IO/RC formulation guy, if you mix the bucket all that does is redistribute the crystals so what's at the top of the bucket may be different than what's at the bottom, or the center and the sides.