got ethical husbandry?

MACNA 2014!

Hmm, don't know why I thought it was closer to $160 for the 3 days, without any food/dinner. Of course I really only have something like Reefapalooza to compare to, which cost $5 with a coupon :) Granted it's a completely different beast but still manages to pack 2 days(??) into an affordable venue... that or they're charging the booth people up the wazzoo compared to MACNA :D

One of these days I'll go... maybe... if it ever isn't during a time when both my wife and I can not take a weekend off.
Well the price of MACNA does go up the closer you get to the event and I believe the cost close to the event was around $160, but that does include the reception and the banquet still. Tickets started as low as $89 and then kept increasing in price as it got closer to the event. I bought mine well in advance for $99.
Ok fine, we'll believe you probably were at MACNA now...

One thing that I always wondered about, with so many booths and stuff for sale, why isn't admission cheaper?

Venue costs. To get what they got, and what is required to put on MACNA via contract with MASNA, the ticket cost will always be around a hundred or two depending on when you get it. Try going to any actual convention, this is a cheap one. To go to any of the design conventions, I'm looking at at least a grand, some closer to 3K.

RAP is cheap as they do not have to have room rates, convention centers, multiple speaker rooms, banquest and other social events. They also don't attend every major reef event promoting their event, like MACNA hosts have to do.

The timing is by contact as well, so kiss that one good bye ;)
FWIW Felicia, Cheri from Ocean Inspiration (jewelry in your photos) is an ex bay area person... she was a long time BoD member of SEABAY, a now defunct local club (that was the favorite of most speakers do to the caliber of members).

The Jellyfish Art founder/Creator is from SF.
Venue costs. To get what they got, and what is required to put on MACNA via contract with MASNA, the ticket cost will always be around a hundred or two depending on when you get it. Try going to any actual convention, this is a cheap one. To go to any of the design conventions, I'm looking at at least a grand, some closer to 3K.
But I don't care about design conventions :)

And yeah I get some conventions are expensive, and for whatever reason some put more of that cost on the attendies and others do on the vendors in order to get more attendance. It's fine, I mean I would be happy paying the cost if there weren't so many other costs associated with it (plane, lodging, food, transportation, wife) and the fact I do work on Saturdays as well kind of puts a hamper on these events which aren't in the Summer or Winter.
FWIW Felicia, Cheri from Ocean Inspiration (jewelry in your photos) is an ex bay area person... she was a long time BoD member of SEABAY, a now defunct local club (that was the favorite of most speakers do to the caliber of members).

The Jellyfish Art founder/Creator is from SF.
Yeah, they were telling me that when I was at their booth shopping for jewelry. Too bad they aren't local anymore because they had some really beautiful things. They're on etsy though :)
But I don't care about design conventions :)

And yeah I get some conventions are expensive, and for whatever reason some put more of that cost on the attendies and others do on the vendors in order to get more attendance. It's fine, I mean I would be happy paying the cost if there weren't so many other costs associated with it (plane, lodging, food, transportation, wife) and the fact I do work on Saturdays as well kind of puts a hamper on these events which aren't in the Summer or Winter.

Thought summer ended officially on Labor Day? Typically MACNA falls just before Labor Day :lol:

The more you learn about convention centers, hotels, etc and the costs, you'll understand why the cost is passed on. You also get a LOT more out of an event like MACNA then that of RAP. Having been to 15+ MACNAS, every single RAP from backyard days, being a person whom has consulted and done these myself, I'm well positioned to comment on this one :lol: The banquet alone probably cost more then the venue cost of RAP. Shit, IMACwest cost us over a $100K to put on.

Stay tuned... it may happen in Cali in two years... but on a weekend and just before summer ends. In fact, try finding a reef convention that doesn't include Saturday :p
Well for me summer ends 2-3 weeks before labor day (depending upon when it falls), although in a couple years Saturday working may or may not happen I'll have to see. This year I've just been strong armed into selling at the farmer's markets, so it's not like me taking a day off work or something, it's money out of my pocket and my in-law's pocket that I can't get back.

But if it happens it happens, I could do Cali though because regardless of where in Cali (my best guest would be SoCal somewhere) giving up a weekend is completely doable, things like Denver, DC, Florida I'll want to stay more than a weekend if I fork over airfare and that's what really become problematic.
SD is my best bet now... they are pushing hard and keep submitting every year

If I didn't work these, I doubt I'd be going to many. They are indeed costly, no matter how you look at it.
Mine was $7K this year, but that included a sponsorship and a double booth. I don't really pay attention to the lower cost booths anymore so I cannot recall what they are. For a show that size, the cost is worth it to us. The next sponsorships above us were in the 10-20K range
Looks like you guys had a good time. The one thing I hate about these shows is that I never seem to have enough time to see the show, see the talks and talk to people. I think I saw you guys once in passing!
Looks like you guys had a good time. The one thing I hate about these shows is that I never seem to have enough time to see the show, see the talks and talk to people. I think I saw you guys once in passing!
Yeah it was hard to get to talk to everyone. I saw you a couple times, but always busy having a conversation. You missed my wearing my octopus shirt, octopus earrings, and a pygmy seahorse hat haha. Congratulations again on your award! Super exciting that it went to someone local that I know! We have our own Bay Area aquarium celebrity :)
Looks like you guys had a good time. The one thing I hate about these shows is that I never seem to have enough time to see the show, see the talks and talk to people. I think I saw you guys once in passing!
Your popularity prevents you from having a normal, casual experience like us 'normal' people, Mr. Aquarist of the Year! :p