Cali Kid Corals

Marine Depot is having a liquidation sale


Supporting Member
I saw someone else today posted a controller board mount on sale, which had me venture over to Marine Depot. I saw they are liquidating a lot of their stock for cheap. I was able to get a bunch of things I needed/wanted at 40% off. Loads of their RODI systems are on sale. There is a good deal on the Hanna checker kit I would have jumped on if I didn't already have them all, and lots of other things worth looking at. They also have stuff for freshwater tanks that I was able to use for my other system. Gave me a good excuse to get some 10 micron socks and some Lanthanum Chloride and try that out versus GFO. Good luck explaining these purchases to the SO!
Makes sense, Bulk Reef Supply bought them, and I'm guessing they really don't need all the old stock of certain items.
Yeah, I spent way too much time going through every page and it looked like they had anything that BRS carries out of stock, and are having the sales on things BRS does not carry.

Edit: @sfsuphysics I saw your last post on your journal was about killing aptasia, they have one of those wands that zaps them on sale!

Of course they send me the "Welcome10" code for 10% off after I buy everything, here's to hoping someone else can use it!
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Order placed. Will update once I get shipping details.
