got ethical husbandry?

Metal Halide Ligthing Upgrade on 14g & 34g

Run some carbon in there if it smells. At the same time, start petitioning your mom for a Teco chiller (once they announce their discount).
I really don't use the watts per gallon cause if I did I'm way under lighting my 240. I only have 2 x 250 watt MH with 4 x 39 watt t5s for actinics. I was just giving him another option.
Heat will still be an issue with the 34g. I run 2x 30g's lit by 150w DE mH on each, as well as 2x 54w PC (or 2x 24" T5 on the other). I use a ton of fans (including an inline fan the polls all the air from the room and dumps it into the attic), open tops as well as the room is the coolest in the house normally due to position and construction of the house.