Reef nutrition

Michael's Referbish

I love my blue eyed cardinals. I treated prazi pro as well as rid ich plus (malachite green+formalyn) aqua pro cure. I feed them H20's mini mysis/spirulina & Rod's foods. I soaked w/selcon, vita chem, garlic, & beta glucan.
Good news, bad new, and worst news.

Good news, I got the cardinals to start eating some Rod's food. Just started cupramine, but sadly lost one more before starting that. Ammonia badge is just barely taking on a greenish tint.

The worst news, I had a bunch of pictures ready to go, including before and after pictures of my LED build with proper white balance. Foolishly, I plugged the SD card into the janky desktop in the family room, instead of my laptop. Couldn't get them to work. Plugged it into my laptop, and all the file names were gibberish. Plugged it back into the camera, and it sees it as an empty card! Luckily, my laptop still says there is 1.2gb of data on the card, so perhaps they can be recovered. Unfortunately, there were also pictures from my cousin's 1st birthday party on there, so I really hope they can be recovered :(
Bummer, that sounds like a corrupted SD card. It's possible that the janky desktop PC was accessing something when the SD card was removed? I haven't had to deal with data recovery in ages so hopefully someone more knowledgeable can chime in.