
Mp10 placement?


I'm getting a second MP10. I've seen people place these things all over the place. I'm wondering for my 40 gallon should I have them on opposite sides facing each other or should I have them staggered both on one side? I am going to have one master and one slave.
I've seen three methods:
1. Place them on the same side, sync them.
2. Place one on the side and one on the back, put them in sync, or mess with the gyre mode (not sure if that works with only 2).
3. Put them on opposite sides, but anti-sync them if in the middle of the panels, or put one toward the front and one toward the back and sync them.

What are the dimensions of your 40?

I'm typically a fan of option (and not in the middle of the panel), or 3b, but it depends on the aspect ratio. More square tanks it matters more. Longer tanks it matters less as one end will interfere less with the other.
Assuming L×D×H I stand by my previous statement.

I'll add in that some people like to put both on the back wall and nothing on the sides, but I've never been a fan of that for some reason. It is less visually obtrusive, but never seems to work out flow wise. There always seems to be a rock in the wrong place.
Assuming L×D×H I stand by my previous statement.

I'll add in that some people like to put both on the back wall and nothing on the sides, but I've never been a fan of that for some reason. It is less visually obtrusive, but never seems to work out flow wise. There always seems to be a rock in the wrong place.
I’m one of those people, however I run 6 mp40s on the back wall of my 72”x30”x24” and going to be adding 1-2 more at some point lol
You guys think 20% power of two mp10s in this tank is good enough? with one was running lagoon at 50%. with both in there 50% looks way to turbulent.
I mess around with the two EcoSmart modes periodically but usually end up back on Reef Crest eventually.
I think 20% sounds a bit low. I would have guessed 50% as a starting point, but do it empirically. If you like 20% start it there. After a couple weeks turn it up a notch and see how things go. If you like the results, do it again in a couple weeks. If you start to see less polyp extension even after it's adjusted for a few days back it off a notch instead.