got ethical husbandry?

Mushroom hunting time again



patchin said:
Man, I hope your ID skills are good!

Luckily those are very tell tale of a highly edible mushroom... one I go out for all the time as well.
Check out some of these near my house today. This has been a wet season, so they are really out big time. We frequently get Morels and Chanterells growing on our land, but Susan wont let us eat them.... Just as well I guess even though I know they're safe.








Yeah, something about needing a liver transplant if I misidentify one that makes me just say no about wild mushrooms. If I didn't plant it myself, then I'll assume it is toxic in some way.
sfsuphysics said:
Yeah, something about needing a liver transplant if I misidentify one that makes me just say no about wild mushrooms. If I didn't plant it myself, then I'll assume it is toxic in some way.

That's excellent as their is way too many mushroom hunters all ready... more for us :p

Oh boy, do not eat that one unless you want to die or trip REALLY hard.

Pretty sure everything you posted is a bad one :(
Eric they grow under pines typically. Very easy to find. Ours are deadly for the most part but if you get them up in WA (or so my hippy friends have told me) they'll make you see things for many hours, or grow tall so you can stomp turtles like Mike said :)

and what they say about taking them as a "trip"
Just posted these, cause they're on our mountain behind our house. Not advocating anyone eat or use them in anyway. :Sp Just submitted them because I was out in the woods yesterday, and look forward to photographing them while hiking / biking. :glasses: Then, I saw JAR's post so it seemed befitting to add them on this thread. Hope you can appreciate the other aspects of these photos. H)

Everything you wanted to know about Banana Slugs but was afraid to ask

UC Santa Cruz's Mascot
Went I went camping at La Honda as a 5th grader (back when schools did that sort of thing), the councilors (which were mostly high school students ditching out of a week of school) used to tease us mercilessly about banana slugs, like saying we'd have to lick them, or that the grill cheese sandwiches for lunch were really grilled banana slug sandwiches... ahh good times :D
Reef Keeper said:
Just posted these, cause they're on our mountain behind our house. Not advocating anyone eat or use them in anyway. :Sp Just submitted them because I was out in the woods yesterday, and look forward to photographing them while hiking / biking. :glasses: Then, I saw JAR's post so it seemed befitting to add them on this thread. Hope you can appreciate the other aspects of these photos. H)

Everything you wanted to know about Banana Slugs but was afraid to ask

UC Santa Cruz's Mascot

That's the Fighting Banana Slugs buddy!!!

Mike we had a six grade science camp where they asked if anyone wanted to like them and a ton did :) Our camp was Camp Hammer in Big Basin.