Cali Kid Corals

My 90 gallon tank: video update! (with narration this time!)

aqua-nut said:
So Goldie, what's the report on Sustainable Reefs?

They still in business??

Yup, sorry, we got home late and I have been in school/work all day.

Still in business, like Erick mentioned, he works during the day, runs the shop at night. Teeny tiny little place, looks like it's the front entrance to a studio? You walk in and it's the store, and there are some steps that lead up to a living space. Seems like he has a decent selection, but I am not sure on pricing since I haven't looked too much into pricing myself. For example, a tank bred Amphiprion ocellaris he sells for $12.00. Had some frags for $10. Again, still new so I am not sure what the "norm" is. I have to wait until the weekend to go to Neptunes. (Which I am really looking forward to btw)

Ahhhh spa tubing. Gotcha. No wonder why no one in the plumbing supplies shop has heard about it LOL.
Neptune is way bigger and because of that has more stuff. Prices on coral will range from cheap to zomgwhat?! anywhere you go. Fish prices are fairly stable at all shops/online vendors.
Erick said:
Neptune is way bigger and because of that has more stuff. Prices on coral will range from cheap to zomgwhat?! anywhere you go. Fish prices are fairly stable at all shops/online vendors.

Wasn't knocking the size, I actually kind of liked it. :) Small and cozy, and it's neat that he can do it technically "at home." hehe.

LoL at the "zomgwhat?!" Definitely have seen those before. Seen the highs, but not a lot of lows, but again, still fairly new, so I am unsure of the median pricing of certain chalices, zoas, etc etc. Same thing with fish. I can only tell you pricing from what I know of my LFS. I have only been to Neptunes once. If I could go more often I probably would, but he closes so gosh darn early. I can't even go on my lunch because of traffic = /
Oh man, just had my RCS tank crash = / damn filter stopped between this morning and before I got home. Holy heck stinky tank!!! Gosh darn cheapy filter!!!!
gimmito said:
Ewww....sorry to hear that Brandie.

Thanks. It wasn't very pleasant smelling, but at least it was shrimp and snail tank and not a 'fish' tank. Didn't have any deaths, just lots of stink = /

I am going to really miss the forum and it's members this weekend. I am really bummed to be going out of town. I keep hoping that they will cancel last minute, but it doesn't look like they will be = / have fun tomorrow everyone!
That's scary that a filter failing can crash a tank. I have only had saltwater / reef tank. Never tried freshwater or brackish. I think the only thing that can fail in my tank that will kill everything is the heater or the return the pump because of the heated water not getting back up into the display. Everything else in the tank can be off for awhile.
Erick said:
That's scary that a filter failing can crash a tank. I have only had saltwater / reef tank. Never tried freshwater or brackish. I think the only thing that can fail in my tank that will kill everything is the heater or the return the pump because of the heated water not getting back up into the display. Everything else in the tank can be off for awhile.

I believe it's because the filter got clogged (not overnight but overtime), and slowly, the water flow lessened and lessened until the bio media didn't get any water and dried out. But because of the snails, which are now out of control in this tank (not sure why they couldn't take over the other tank) producing all that waste, and the hot water with no movement, the params just went wacky. I had to get a bottle of Tetra Safe Start because I had bacterial bloom after I did 2 partial water changes, and I didn't want to add my remaining shrimp into the tank without making sure it was cycled. Couldn't figure out why I kept slowly loosing shrimp, well, I guess now I know why.
goldielocke76 said:
I am going to really miss the forum and it's members this weekend. I am really bummed to be going out of town. I keep hoping that they will cancel last minute, but it doesn't look like they will be = / have fun tomorrow everyone!

Fear not...Aquanut (John) has kindly volunteered to film it. :)
gimmito said:
goldielocke76 said:
I am going to really miss the forum and it's members this weekend. I am really bummed to be going out of town. I keep hoping that they will cancel last minute, but it doesn't look like they will be = / have fun tomorrow everyone!

Fear not...Aquanut (John) has kindly volunteered to film it. :)

Yay!!! Thank you John!!! :D
I recall a reef central thread several years ago entitled "worst reef keeping smells." My personal worst was a sea hare that died in a 40. Didn't think it was possible for something to smell so bad, so fast.

for some serious zomgwhat, you need one of aquatic collection's $9000 chalices ;)
Erick said:
cleaning out an old deep sand bad would probably be high in the worst reef keeping smells list.

LoL even with sand sifters? (A serious question, I really don't know. I just assumed that it would be ok smelling with critters that provided maintenence)

LoL no $9,000 chalices for me!!! I was thinking to myself "OMG seriously?" Haha, so even thinking about spending that kind of money on a chalice was a zomgwhat thought.

Ok, so most of everything is just about ready to be put together. I need to get in touch with Mike (Coral reefer) again to set up a time. Wanted to do it last week, but some life came up and hit us, so we couldn't set something up last week. Sigh. Everything's waiting on the plumbing at this point. I have a growing list of "I gottas" before I'm ready though. It sucks to see all this equipment just waiting to be put together and I can't do much until plumbing.....arrrggh!!
Ok, some quick QT questions:

I noticed both articles gimmito and aqua-nut linked both recommend putting the sponge filter in the tank to cycle the filter. I was under the impression that you break the QT tank down after treatment, so can't you do partial water changes every 2-3 days and avoid a filter? Any pros or cons in doing a QT tank this way?

Any recommendations for places to put the QT tank? Does it do better in an out of the way environment that doesn't get a lot of traffic? (I was thinking on my dresser in the bed room, really kind of limited to where I put it, either that, or on the table in the kitchen)

Any suggestions for an ideal temperature? Or does it depend on treatment?

And last but not least, where is a good place to buy Maracyn 2? So far, I have Cupramine, Melafix for SW, Prazipro, and Metronidazole. Any other recommendations for meds?

Thanks guys!
yes you can, but you need at least an air stone running for air and some circulation. If I was not medicating anything, just watching new fish i would do the actually water changes as you suggested.

Also if you do an actually treatment and change water out you will need to add more medicine back.

I bet Tyler at Dophlin pet Village has all that stuff.