got ethical husbandry?

My behemoth of a tank

Top off pump made some noises (it does when it comes on, it's a Aquamedic 3000 pump...), so my grandma who was visiting for the weekend, thought that something was wrong with the tank. She ended up cutting power to everything, except the lights and vortec (she didn't know how to fiddle w/the timer and the vortec backup). Temp spiked during the weekend since the chiller wasn't powered while the lights were on...
She did call me, but two days after she unplugged everything. She called me up on Sunday morning telling me that the tank stunk and she couldn't see 2" into it. :(
Sorry to hear about this. Let me know when you're ready and I'll give you the "Kong" frag back, if that's one you lost. Then you can grow it back out.
Did a water test and came up w/nothing but a tad of nitrates. Sooooooo....I went window shopping at lunch. Wasn't planning on getting anything, but ended up at Aquatic Gallery and picked these up.

Prostrata (mother colony is in their little display tank near the door)

Hoping this will develop a green base

This one looked decent under their lighting so we'll see how it does.

Can't go home w/out a mille.

...and to soften things up, picked up one of these as well.