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My camera and Disneyland question

Hey all,
So this is the first time I will be heading to disneyland with my dSLR. On rides before boarding, you typically place your belongings into a cubby so they are not in the way on the ride. Quite honestly, I do not feel comfortable putting my bag (with >$1500 worth of equipment) into a cubby unsupervised while I am on a ride,, even if it is just for five minutes. Do they allow you to just take the camera bag (I have a Crumpler 5MDH, not terribly large) on the ride with you?
For night time shots of the fireworks and any other stationary night time shots I might want to take, would you recommend I bring my tripod? Or would it be outrageous and too cumbersome? I know I would need to put the tripod in a cubby before boarding rides, but I do not know if I even feel comfortable with this.
Anyone have any thoughts, or experiences with this?
I was there a couple months ago in Aug. You can bring your camera with you (on the kiddie rides). Maybe for Space Mountain or any other high speed rides you'll have to store it in a cubby. Not sure bout that though. My son is only 2 so we went on the slower rides. :)

Night shots your shutter speed is usually lower but you can turn your ISO up a bit. If you have a steady hand you should be fine. If not, than bring the tripod if you feel like lugging it around.
I want to take shots of the fireworks if there are any ... in which case I'd like to pick out a less occupied area of the park, and get some nice long exposure shots in ... long enough to require a tripod. I don't mind holding onto a tripod; it is only for one day, should I decide to take it with me.
I don't want to turn up the ISO too much because the grains stand out even more in dark colors.
I don't ride space mountain, because it gives me a head ache ... is leaving the camera in there generally safe? :~ This is the part that worries me.
Most rides IIRC at disneyland have the cubby on the ride itself (basically a net) so you should be fine. Its places that more thrilling rides like Great America that require you to stow your stuff in the cubby holes on the platform.
The kiddie rides I went on you can bring your belongings with you. That includes the submarine ride too. With the exception of your stroller. That for sure you will have to park.
Anthony: I brought my camera with me to disneyland once, it wasn't that great. I couldn't fit it in any nets, nor did I want to in case it fell out. There's no way I'd leave it in the cubbies either. I ended up just hanging out the whole time and didn't go on any real rides.

I'd suggest not bringing it if you want to really enjoy all the rides at Disneyland.

Also: check to see if you can do re-entry, from what I remember you just need to get your hand stamped. Store your bag in a secured trunk of your car, that would be much better. Get it before the fireworks start. Oh yeah, get to the fireworks place early, like right in front of the castle, that is primo since you get a cool castle under the fireworks. There's a ton of people so it's worth getting there early.
Art, exactly the kind of experience I wanted to hear about :) I'll bring my P&S during the day, and whip out the big boy later in the evening, thanks!
Also, no tripods allowed in the park (or monopods for that matter).

For good fireworks shots, camp our early and score a spot in the "hub", where the partners statue is. There are a few podiums in the area that are helpful in bracing the camera for longer exposures.

Also, check out and search for "photography". It'll give you a better understanding about the do's and don't of photography in the parks and give you some good ideas for shots to take while there.

Hope this helps.
Yeah I don't know how large your bag is that it'll fit in the ride nets.. but honestly I don't think terribly many rides there are hectic enough to have your camera bag fly off... Indiana Jones comes to mind but other than that... *shrug*
@Mike -It is not huge, but dSLR cameras are not as small as point and shoot cameras. My bag carries only camera w/ lens mounted, and one more small lens. But the bag itself is not terribly large, but it is more so the "awkward" size/dimensions is has that I would imagine would make it difficult to get it to settle securely into the nets on the rides. A point and shoot camera I have no problem putting into the netting, or into my pocket for that matter! :D

@seedub- Thanks dub, I'll definitely check it out! Good heads up on the tripod too ... I had a feeling they might not allow tripods (I guess a monopod can be used as a weapon, haha) in the park. With good reason, and I understand. I will likely be doing as you mentioned, and finding something to brace myself on, or mount the camera on.
Actually, the reason behind the no tripod thing has to do with it being a walking hazard.

Also, depending on the castmember that looks in your bag upon entry, you may not be able to bring in a telephoto lens longer than 6 inches. Disney has started to crack down on people who have been taking photos of the behind the scenes stuff with long reach lenses (ask me how I know), hence outlawing them. But 8 of 10 times you can still get past the guards .

I guess I have sorta outed myself as a closet Disney fanboy...oh well. No nerdier than reefing I guess...
Ha! Yeah that's a nice place too, but I meant in the park.

One thing I don't know what it is about people is how utterly retarded most people are involving bathroom etiquette, like leaving stuff floating in the toilet, leaving those paper ass gaskets still on the seat, or worse of all I've seen it too often at places like Great America for it to be a one time occurrence they put one of those paper things on the seat... then pee and of course they hit the paper! I mean really is this what you do at home too? Should need to get a license to use a public toilet! Otherwise there's some bushes off to the side you can use damn neanderthals!

ok sorry I just have a thing with public bathrooms ;)
Do not take any cameras and leave them in the cart in Disney!

You might think it's safe! I had a friend get his camcorder stolen (he left it less than 5 minutes) In the bag... The problem is he lost all the tapes he made since his kids were born! Many Many years and memories LOST!

I take my small pocket camera! That one does the job well... SLR :( No way!
sfsuphysics said:

But no seriously, where's the best bathrooms to drop a deuce? :D

Funny you ask. There is actually a very unknown "secret" bathroom that exists.

I know where it is, but if I tell you, I may have to flush you.

Do some digging around and you may be lucky enough to learn its location.

No line, always super clean, and a few "special" things that the other facilities don't have.