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My New Baby

Still awesome looking, hopefully some day I'll have my frag tank back. I gave my last frag tank away to a buddy so I'll have to build another one. I will have to look at yours for ideas.
New frag tank means it was finally time to upgrade my old skimmer. Still worked fine but could no longer keep up with my increased volume and bioload.


Well one of these days you'll have enough leftover parts you can set up another tank... or three :D

I'm getting to the point where I want to throw out a lot of my old junk, its just not worth the effort to even try to catalog/sell it.
I love the look of that skimmer, I have a deltec type skimmer with 3 recirculating aquabee pumps and it takes up way more space, I should just sell it and get this one.
sneak peek at some frag pics from the new tank. Will post some more up later. Some are still a little browned out and pissed from fragging.






Love the top-down pics, you could e-tail those I tell ya! Is the chalice nameed 'toxic-pie' ? Where'd you get it from and what kind of monti is the one in the 3rd pic?
Nice skimmer & nice frags.

How quiet is the Bubble Blaster pump? the only complain I have seen to the skimmer is about the loudness of the BB pump, but it varies from one unit to another.