High Tide Aquatics

NanoCrazed's Lazy Tank(s) Journal

AquaJapan 85

Finally ordered a magnetic scrapper and cleaned my glass... dunno why i waited so long.

Ahhhhh....clean glass

Was your magic Gel from Dr. Tims? I think BRS is doing a flash sale on them if you need to restock at 15% off
ah no... no magic gel. just a magnetic scrapper. I've been using a scraping wand with the teflon blade because I didn't want to scratch the glass... but finally got sick of not being able to see and enjoy my tank regularly so as @ofzakaria says -- algae wins!
No, I had thought you put some bacteria gel in your sump?
no me... I have slime algae \ cyano in another tank that's gelatinous if that counts... lol.

My sump set up is pretty simple and standard... except for copious amounts of marine pure... I probably have more LR \ marine pure than the average bear.

Happy to report the black magic going on in my tank is goign strong. So much so that I am seeing explosive growth in the sps frags in the system.

Case in point, my WD is growing so fast, it's literally pushing its neighbor off the rack

Same WD at the end of Feb / esrly March...
AquaJapan85 (...ish)

After running out of space on my rack in my DT, and talking too much shop with @ofzakaria , i decided to extend my tank a bit with an add-on mini-frag grow out tank.

Sure, i could set up a dedicated frag ta k but i already have 2 of those and then some. But those two are serving as either shrooms or zoas and wild nems tank. Plus, i don't want to worry about dosing and params for another sps tank since everything is working so well sps-wise. So, plan of running a spare tank plumbed to the sump of my mixed reef setup.

I have a spare Fluval Chi that ones served as a betta harem and then planted...and then a QT tank whose dimensions are a perfect fit on top of the recent stand / control panel i built a week or two back. Only pisser is i built the middle shelf too high to accomodate my Trident. So will need to move the shelf down a few inches, and relocate my Dos to inside the cabinet proper. This will free up the top of my stand for the tank. (Ugh, should have used some imagination and thought it through the first time).

Anyway, i tapped two holes on each side of the Fluval and removed the bracket on the back panel. The bracket was mounted with a black silicome or latex goo. I used a string of floss to cut the bracket away followed by a putty knife and some isopropyl to remove and clean the goo.


When boring th e holes, i decided to make a slightly bigger hole than needed for the 1/2" bulkheads i plan on using. Reason is i suck at boring holes without chipping despite all the tricks recommended like sandwiching the glass between materials while cutting. With a larger hole i can play with the bulkhead position a bit to counteract impact of chips and leaks by covering the chip with the gasket. Or use schedule 80 bulkheads if need be.


And while i was at it, decided to go the extra distance and paint the back black. I normally am too lazy to paint.

Waiting for my last coat to dry...
AquaJapan85 (ish...)

Just occured to me last night that I could even use this for a display fuge should I ever decide to not run this as an add-on frag bucket.

Even more happy with getting this done now!
AquaJapan85 (....ish)


Tank filled and started moving some frags over. Haven't decided what stays in main area or gets tossed into the mini frag setup. For now, moved some dbtc and random frags , including some indos in.


Used an old hipargero disco ball light i had lying around to keep this cheap. Was going to sell it but glad I sat on it duebto my laziness. I still need to throw in a par meter particularly for this setuo given i am running a 65W lamp over a 11x11 space.

Threw in some eggcrate resting on 4 1/2" pvc posts and good to go.

Disappointingly, the tunze return rated for 210GPH struggles with the head pressure so flow is OK but doesn't have enough oomph to drive the RFG nozzle. I have an unused awamai KPS that is being soaked in vinegar for me to tossed later today.


On set back is that i was impatient last night and wound up using a cheap flex tube on the return line that kinks and has creases like nobody's business...so had a tiny overflow spill situation due ton crease that reappeared after i supposedly straightened it out. I may replace the tubing later for insurance.