Reef nutrition

NanoCrazed's Lazy Tank(s) Journal

why did you have to catch the filefish again? refresh my memory. Was he nipping on corals?
yup -- model citizen for years but with recent stress on the corals, he seems to developed a taste for one of my colonies... I saw it going to town. half my acro colony is gone...

Most my issues are now under control but Alk has been a moving target. Not big swings as it's in gradual decline (likely due to the high Ca). Started at 10.2 after getting everything back in line and it's been drifting downward at a rate of 0.25 - 0.5 per day, roughly. Currently, floating around 8..85 - 9 since Tuesday.

It could be partially be that I made up a new batch of alk liquid that is less concentrated (though I think the difference is small) but also could be my pieces are consuming the additional alk. Calcium has dropped to about 580 from 600 with no dosing... so not sure that really the case though.

Except transparent spots still healing, scoly looks pretty recovered...


Original former self...


After months of SIP and running to the office once a month, I'm finally considering maybe just schlepping the tank back home until everything settles down again.

Down side is that I don't have extra chillers... so temp control will be a problem.

Upside is i can use this to stage my zoas and nems from my garage tank, and restart it -- with NO PODS!

Being that it'll house zoas, might be able to get by with no chiller...

Also been considering merging my zoas with my shrooms in the shroom tank. Light control will be a bit of a challenge though. I have 2 xr15s so might split programming in which case...
AquaJapan 85

Well that was a fail... introduced 4 purple queen anthias into the system and they just hid in my shroom box, after spending a day swimming at the surface. Slowly, I only found 1 and the last one found its way onto my floor. :/

Managed to move everything home yesterday... and spilled a bunch of SW water into the spare tire well in the process. The decision that did it was when I went to the office, the pumps were off in emergency shutoff as it was running dry, water evap was significant and at half volume. More evap than usual for some reason. Might have been an issue with company switching power panels and shutting down power for awhile.

Got late last night so didn't get to restart but left rocks, sand, marinepure soaking in the tank or in a bin.

I was originally going to reuse a stand i built for my old 20G L nem propagation setup. But, with the smoke, I wasn't motivated to do heavy lifting and reorganizing to make the stand fit in the garage next to my current tank there. Besides, when we resume in-person, and the new company headquarters construction is complete, I plan to move the tank back there. So, did a quick hack -- threw a 3/4" particle board on top of a 6 foot long rolled steel entertainment stand that I used to use for my nanos. The problem with the stand is that there is no center brace so it is susceptible to bowing -- , esp with a IM20 filled on top. Albeit the bowing may be slightly, it's a fast track to a cracked tank... so the board will eliminate that risk. The board though is only 48" on a 72" stand. not pretty but effective until the tank is moved back to the office or I find time to make room for my other stand. (at the risk of marital unrest, I might add)
You have too many tanks man. Ever consider focusing more on less tanks?
I have... and tried. But always wind up put up a new build for one reason or another... :). Sometimes it because I am running different params , other times could be because I don't want tot risk my nems affecting each other, etc. And lets not forget because I wanted a tank in my office.
Should mention that when I got the AquaJapan 85, it was because, I was looking to consolidate tanks... and did... but that lasted all of maybe 3 months? less?
And it doesn’t seem like plumbing then together would provide any benefits. Might need to go really big!
I got a 150G for setting up an outdoor tank and tanking my indoor ones offline. but that never happened. Spousal unit changed her mind about letting me get away with that.... hah

Finally got around to doing some basic restart of the tank in the garage last night. Over 24 hours later. Unfhad some slight casualties as my vietnamese green hairy shroom got caught under some rocks in the holding bin. Half of them went melty melt but with flow, I'm hoping they'll recover.

Instead of recreating the rock work i had in the office, i decided to make it a split frag rack setup. (Truthfully, i cut egg crate to run the length originally but accidentally snaped part of it after cleaning the egg crate...but then thought it would be a good idea to keep it that way after all to allow CUC access above and below deck...)

Just a quick loose placement of the rocks and pieces for now. Will spend today/ tomorrow when I have a few moments to spare to tidy up more and get rest of equipement up

Argh. Picked up 2 pairs of mandarins today... and while acclimating up from 1.015 to 1.026, i lost one of the females. She was probably one of the brightest, prettiest red mandarins I've seen personally. Really bummed.
How fast you do that? Seems like that should take days to be safe right?
I drip acclimate over hours. Typically, i would put up a tank matching the same salinity...and was going to that with my IM20 restart. Except that i wouldn't have enough or any pods to feed the that many mandarins at once.

That said, the female that died had rapid breathing at the LFS but decided to take a chance to see if I might be able to save it. The other 3 and a pair of ruby reds are all fine...
Cadlight 45
After years of clown keeping, i finally got a clutch of eggs by my lightning maroons! Now i gotta figure how to raise them. Unfortunately, the laid the eggs on the rock with a nem on it.

Trying to figure out if I can raise the frys in the same tank. I know i am suppose to move them to a separate tank with rotifers and all... but justvwonder if I have enough natural gunk in the water to make it work.

@Kim Pattison -- any suggestions?

If you dont move them they will become food.
Yeah, that's what I've heard. Only the clowns and now a mandarin pair in the tank at the moment... so thinking maybe i would put rock in a basket... :/ vs in own tank.

Had thought tonmove it into my IM20 but don't want to carry pods across