High Tide Aquatics

Need help moving tank

Food provided after the move haha. I'll keep everyone updated. It shouldn't be too hard of a move. Its all going to depend now on if the electrical can clear inspection before then.
Looks like the move will be pushed to Saturday the 3rd. The electrician is having some trouble in where to locate the sub panel. He is trying to see if he can locate it in the partial basement/fish room, but it may not pass code because of access issues.
Alright so Saturday July 3rd is a go. Please post in the thread if you can help out on saturday. I will PM you with the details.
may not be available this Saturday, all day family affair making tamales (don't ask), however the times are not set, if anything I can try and help you pack up at your SF pad.
Thanks Bryan, I'm allergic to advil though. haha

Eric, see you there.

Dudley, PM sent.

Mike, I am planning on starting at around 10am in the city. If the move goes quick maybe there will be time to move the display tank a few blocks from Boun's place to the new place.
yardartist said:
Window of opportunity just closed. Sorry not this Saturday. Let me know if you could use some evening help or help during the week.

No problem Richard. I'll let you know.
Theo, I am shooting for 10am at my place in the city. More buckets would help. I will send a pm out with the addresses.