Need some thoughts. I put this BG Digi in my tank about a month ago during the great Omar frag giveaway. Originally all these pieces you see here were one largish stalk on a plug. Unfortunately, during the removal from the plug to glue to my rock one piece became many. Other than that the transfer was uneventful. However, a few weeks after intro the large stalk (now at the back in this pic) began fading in color and polyps would not come out to play any more. I thought the light may be too intense so rotated the rock the frag is on so the fading portion sits in partial shade now to see if that made any difference. No noticeable change. Since this was all part of one unit at one time and has been subjected to all the same environmental conditions up to this point, I’m perplexed how part can be looking health and the other part... not so much. Any ideas?
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