Neptune Aquatics

Neptune news from MACNA


What oh what can it be!?!

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Hopefully we get a rease date soon so I can figure out how much to put into a special savings account each month prior since I'll need two or three :)
Good thing I've already got the 2016 apex. I hope you can adjust the testing schedule. It will be nice at the beginning to get so many results to see how the tank cycles through the day and if introducing new equipment (like a carx) but for simply maintaining once a day alk, once a week ca, and once a month mg would be fine for me.
Good thing I've already got the 2016 apex. I hope you can adjust the testing schedule. It will be nice at the beginning to get so many results to see how the tank cycles through the day and if introducing new equipment (like a carx) but for simply maintaining once a day alk, once a week ca, and once a month mg would be fine for me.

Yeah from the interview you can test whatever frequency you want, the sample frequency is only to describe what is a "month" supply good for.