Neptune Aquatics

Neptune System Apex

One big thing I learned about buying something on pre-order (aka the RKE). WAIT. Though it is nice to have the newest coolest toy on the block, let everyone else work out all of the bugs. When it comes to a controller, bugs are the last thing you want to have. Mine is working very nicely now but I had lots of little issues for the first 6 months. I am sure this one will be no different as there is no way to test some of the little things until it is out in multiple tanks with multiple situations.
I totally agree with Bryan. Thats the main reason, i would want to wait on buying the first version. I probably wait until the second version or until all the bugs are worked out.

I was actually the opposite of Bryan, in that mine worked relatively flawlessly initially, and I didn't start running into problems until I upgraded the firmware. I later found the electrical noise was nothing aquarium related, it was the whole room, but still the fact that the electrical noise essentially made it useless, I sat on a useless controller for quite some time. My AC3 on the other hand, zero problems with noise in the room.

That being said I still have a RKE for sale, maybe even part the pieces out :D