
New build


Supporting Member
I'm building a new tank for my brother and i just wanted to initially write about the process and show when I have everything put together.

* so far i bought a pre-owned Cosmetically Imperfect - Innovative Marine 20 gallon from ebay
* an AI PRIME HD, Nero 5 ( i know this is overkill) , JBJ refugium light.
*and a flurry clown fish. (the seller is holding him for about 3 weeks).

I honestly need help aquascaping, and if anyone has live rock or spare live sand around .

Ill keep updating as soon as I get everything in hand.

I am not new to the hobby but I am always willing to learn.


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welcome, I haven’t seen your screen name around. Are you a new member? If so, you are in the right place, I’m sure you will find lots of helpful members here that can be very generous with their time and knowledge of the hobby.
So far your list of dry goods looks like a great place to start the build going.
where did you purchase the clown?
That Nero is gonna be good. I don’t have one but I believe most recommend getting a fish guard from a 3D printer or some fish might get caught in the power head
I ordered a * an AI PRIME HD, Nero 5
That Nero is gonna be good. I don’t have one but I believe most recommend getting a fish guard from a 3D printer or some fish might get caught in the power head
after june of this year it supposed to include a free fish guard. if not you can contact AQUAILLUMINATION and they'll ship it out for free.
welcome, I haven’t seen your screen name around. Are you a new member? If so, you are in the right place, I’m sure you will find lots of helpful members here that can be very generous with their time and knowledge of the hobby.
So far your list of dry goods looks like a great place to start the build going.
where did you purchase the clown?

I've been reading on this forum for several years (maybe 8 years + I would say). However, I never posted anything or made an account. and i also purchased the clownfish from ebay User ID permaquafarms I did negotiate the price down to 30 dollars. However, I still have shipping cost. If someone else would like to buy a fish off him before he ships my fish. I wouldn't mind to add it to my order (hence free delivery).
If you want I can give you some rock. But is not cured. I had it sitting in a bucket of water. I live in SF. Close to SF State.
Probably like 3 or 4 pieces of the ones I have will be sufficient.

Decided to return the ai prime 16 hd and ai Nere 5 and got a kessil360x with WiFi controller instead. Live Rock provided by @Alexx

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I want to preface this saying I’m a beginner with less than a year of experience. But I think that kessil should be mounted lower, it’s leaking light all over the place. I try to minimize the light spilling into the room with mounting height and adjust the intensity. Light going out the tank is wasted.
I want to preface this saying I’m a beginner with less than a year of experience. But I think that kessil should be mounted lower, it’s leaking light all over the place. I try to minimize the light spilling into the room with mounting height and adjust the intensity. Light going out the tank is wasted.

I know there’s noting in there yet though. I’ll fiddle with it once the tank is cycled

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I know there’s noting in there yet though. I’ll fiddle with it once the tank is cycled

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When I had my Ai Prime I used the BRS video review to get the recommended mounting height from them, then tweaked to not have much spill for the size tank I had at the time.
I want to preface this saying I’m a beginner with less than a year of experience. But I think that kessil should be mounted lower, it’s leaking light all over the place. I try to minimize the light spilling into the room with mounting height and adjust the intensity. Light going out the tank is wasted.
While true, really should sign up to borrow one of the PAR meters. Because that Kessil 360x definitely has the potential to cook your corals if you set the intensity too high. Kessil does have a reflector too so that you can focus the light to a smaller angle (I want to say 55°