Cali Kid Corals

New Playthings!

So I went out and splurged a little yesterday. I bought a new return pump and doubled the output and hooked up a SCWD. Some new return hardware, and tubing and it was a fun day! Overall I’m pretty happy with the new arrangement. I got the new return pump lifted off the floor of the sump so now if the overflow breaks siphon there isn’t enough water to be pumped back to cause a spill. The SCWD switches directions a bit fast for me, but it’ll do until I can get some real wave action going with a fancier setup.

Now to arrange a time with Mike to drill me some holes.

Side note: at the LFS yesterday I heard employees talking about who’s going to switch shifts so they can go to BAYMAC. They were also telling customers about it!

Just for the record I've not drilled glass before. Acrylic many times...I definitely willing to help pull stuff out drain and drill and resetup, but want to straight forward about it.
Indeed! And I'm willing to help...let me know hen you are ready. Good idea putting the pump where it will suck air before overflowing by the way