Bruce Spiegelman
As noted, I think the issue is lack of communication. Having a package is great, but if there's not someone checking in with a sponsor on a regular basis then the package is meaningless.
Thank you for your input. I'm sorry you feel you've been bashed. I hope you understand that we (the bod) have a tough job in "policing" comments on our forum. We don't have much power to stop people from speaking their minds. Several years back when there was one particular very short lived member of our club that was acting irrationally and making negative posts about you I tried to delete some over the top posts about you, and I got backlash from the president at the time about how I can't censor people. It's a tough position to be in. Eventually the thread was locked, after the damage was done. Not sure even now how we could have done anything differently to prevent that.If you guys want my two cents....
From what I've heard through the lost your sponsors (I almost gave up on you guys as well) not so much from revenue/financial factors. But, from the fact that the last few generations of BOD/members doesn't seems have their sponsor's interests in mind like they used to be. At least that seems to be my perception.
The old BOD's and members used to protect their sponsors on this forum from such thing as sponsor bashing or allowing non-sponsor advertisement and etc. This last few months alone, there have been at least three or four incidents like that happening here, confirming that this club essentially has lost it's focus in this area. At least to some sponsors, it seems that way.
Bottom line is that I think this community, in general, needs to refocus and rebuild the club's culture from top down so that's it's a little more inline with the club's mission. You may want to make your sponsors feel that there is a positive return on investment for them as well, and it doesn't necessarily mean financially. Sometime, the simplest gesture such as watching their backs can go a long way!
Good luck guys. I hope I didn't cross the line. I know you guys are good people but sometime even the best of us can get side tracked every once in a while and lose sight of what's really important in front of you.
I think this club is pretty cool, and very special. And I think the sponsors we've had, especially neptunes and aquatic collection have been more than generous. I hope that the new generation can at least smell what the old club was like and can shake this myth that it isn't any good any more cause that just simply isn't the case.What sucks about this thread though is after Mike's post I really want to make some witty and sarcastic remark about how it's all his fault, but I can't. I think Mike rocks!
well said, bravo. you should run for president!That's all basically part of what we do now. The main problems are member/bod turnover, and lack of volunteering and follow through.
We always ask the sponsors if they want to be vendors at swaps. Nobody but Jess at diablo has ever taken us up on it.
We delegated specific sponsor contact people a few years back in addition to a sponsorship chair on the board, hasn't seemed to work very well.
All in all sponsor during my time w the club have basically been donating stuff to a group of hobbysiatsbthat want to learn and be successful because they know it's a good cause, and that we definitely do shop in their stores. Maybe they don't see a huge benefit to business, but it's not a big cost either.
The club mainly exists off of membership dues and profit from the regional swap. Sponsors are a bonus. It's great if we can help them and they can help us at the same time. It's not the end of the world if any individual store doesn't want to be a sponsor of our club. All we can do is try our best given the amount of members we have, and the time and effort they are willing to give.
well said, Robert! I just bought a bunch of coral frags from ya and very happy with quality and price!If you guys want my two cents....
From what I've heard through the lost your sponsors (I almost gave up on you guys as well) not so much from revenue/financial factors. But, from the fact that the last few generations of BOD/members doesn't seems have their sponsor's interests in mind like they used to be. At least that seems to be my perception.
The old BOD's and members used to protect their sponsors on this forum from such thing as sponsor bashing or allowing non-sponsor advertisement and etc. This last few months alone, there have been at least three or four incidents like that happening here, confirming that this club essentially has lost it's focus in this area. At least to some sponsors, it seems that way.
Bottom line is that I think this community, in general, needs to refocus and rebuild the club's culture from top down so that's it's a little more inline with the club's mission. You may want to make your sponsors feel that there is a positive return on investment for them as well, and it doesn't necessarily mean financially. Sometime, the simplest gesture such as watching their backs can go a long way!
Good luck guys. I hope I didn't cross the line. I know you guys are good people but sometime even the best of us can get side tracked every once in a while and lose sight of what's really important in front of you.
Thank you for your input. I'm sorry you feel you've been bashed. I hope you understand that we (the bod) have a tough job in "policing" comments on our forum. We don't have much power to stop people from speaking their minds. Several years back when there was one particular very short lived member of our club that was acting irrationally and making negative posts about you I tried to delete some over the top posts about you, and I got backlash from the president at the time about how I can't censor people. It's a tough position to be in. Eventually the thread was locked, after the damage was done. Not sure even now how we could have done anything differently to prevent that.
One time a not at all active "member" of our forum bashed aquatic collection, and I know Karson felt we didn't stick up for him, but I felt many club members spoke up in support of them. Angry loud voices get heard, more so than many soft ones, and we can't control everyone.
I am one of the few mainstays on the bod for the last 5 years. Maybe I am in large part to blame for our straying from the path the club uses to be on. Hopefully the new bod will actually stay around long enough to do a good job and get us back on track. I don't see how we are not following the mission of the club, maybe that's my problem right there. The fact of the matter is, the entire bod quit after 2011. I stepped up, and have done the best that I know how to do with the resources and the help that I've had available to me. I haven't been able to recruit enough other bod member until this year to step down. I feel like I've actually done a lot to help keep the club afloat and more true to its roots than many of the people who have come and gone over the time I've been here.
Long story short, the club is only as good as the members it has. It is only a reflection of who we are. It certainly helps to have feedback from sponsors, and in a forum like this that everybody can see. Not just one or two people that take the time to talk to the store owners.
Is that one of the member benefits?!Yeah they think you are trying to sell them a swinger membership
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Perhaps, instead of trying to put out fires left and right, I think we may need to take a different approach and work on being proactive on raising awareness (somehow) about the club's general culture to the new members.
Sponsors are a bonus. It's great if we can help them and they can help us at the same time. It's not the end of the world if any individual store doesn't want to be a sponsor of our club.
All we can do is try our best given the amount of members we have, and the time and effort they are willing to give.
I don't understand that reaction personally. Admittedly I am not as involved in the larger reefing scene outside the scope of BAR...In the past year, I've met a lot of reefers in the Bay Area... a lot. Probably close to 50+. Most of them are NOT members of BAR. In fact, when I ask if they are BAR members, they give me dirty look on their face like they just ate a grain of salt...I stop asking after that...but, maybe I should ask further why ?
This is true, and we are still picky about who we associate with for this reason.Sponsorship can be more than just about getting stuff or making money.
The sponsors we choose and the relationships supported by all parties contribute to messaging shared values and helps to promote the club mission.
"Bar Area Reefers(BAR) seeks to promote, foster and encourage education and appreciation for the ethical husbandry and propagation of marine life."
This is the big ongoing challenge.
This is true, and we are still picky about who we associate with for this reason.