I'll add a bit as a Sponsor (especially since I'm an out of town guy with no Brick & Mortar). BAR was really a big factor in jestersix getting off the ground, and we navigated my unusual position over time. Times and people have changed - when I started my involvement with BAR, Forums were the biggest vehicle for information transfer and the meetings were as much social as reef related. Times have changed. I get very little communication from any of the Clubs I sponsor - and even less from their respective Forums. BAR is about the only Forum I check on a regular basis and that communicates with me from the BOD level other than around Swap time. I hear from more people on Facebook and Instagram. As an old timer in the saltwater community (yeah, I was around way before this "reef" thingy came around) I've seen things change but still at the heart is communication and a sense of community.
BAR still seems to have both of those going on - but as in any situation, things can always be better.
BAR still seems to have both of those going on - but as in any situation, things can always be better.