got ethical husbandry?

New to BAR and reefing! Critique my 40 breeder stocking list and equipment please.

You're cuc seems a little weak. I like to go to and see what they recommend for the size tank I'm build.
John replied with:
30 Dwarf Ceriths - tiny cleaners, for the tight spots the others can't reach
12 Nassarius vibex
12 Florida Ceriths
9 Assorted Hermits
11 Nerites

Thanks for all the advice, I'm getting much closer to my final stocking list. I don't want the hawkfish to eat my shrimp so its gone. Any cool suggestions to replace it?

stocking list:Quantity
Frozen Frostbite Clownfish 2
Pink streaked wrasse1
Bi Color Blenny 1
Yellow watchman goby1

Exquisite Firefish
Royal Gramma1
Skunk Shrimp2
Dwarf Ceriths30
Nassarius vibex12
Florida Ceriths12
Assorted Hermits9

I've been advised to get a different goby and skip the pistol shrimp.
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Would a pink streak be wrasse be ok instead? I’m ok with skipping the crab. I just heard they were decent CUC members. I'll look into a Tunze AIO style skimmer! I plan to add an ATO as soon as I get annoyed with manual refilling.
The light is from a R2R sponsor that some people seem to really like. I installed a ViparSpectra over a friends 29G and I'm not thrilled with the spectrum.
I think pink streak is fine, I tried to get one some years back but couldn't find any locally which I found is the biggest problem with planning out what fish you want to put in your tank unless they're common fish.

Crabs do work as cleanup crews especially if you have a too much food in your tank, but they're opportunistic omnivores and will eat a fish if they are hungry enough and can catch it. Personally I'd stick with banded trochus snails as they always tended to reproduce in my aquariums over the years, and try not to feed so much that creates leftover food! The idea that they'll munch away at algae and be the solution to all your algae problems though is a bit overblown.

There are other skimmers out there that fit in the tank like the Tunze, I just mentioned that one because it was one I was looking at for a 20g tank I set up. One thing about the ATO though which does relate to the skimmer as the water level fluctuates the water level in the skimmer will do the same and not skim as effectively, now if you top off every day it probably will be ok but the 40 breeder does have a lot of surface area so might have more evaporation that you expect. If you want to do just a filter, Tunze Comline series has just filter media (with a pump on it too so you may be able to do without the Jebao pump!), but again just shooting that particular one out because it's one I looked at.

Well if the light works, the light works. Two important things for a light, is that 1) it grows corals and 2) you as the tank owner like what the tank looks like with it on.
I know it sounds crazy and seems like overkill but trust him...
I'm going to disagree with this 1000% I always feel like putting in cleanup crews based off tank size is a foolish thing to do when you're first starting out, i.e. when there isn't much food for the cleaners to clean up. Plus I believe his recommendations are based on animals he can collect, not necessarily what is most effective.
Hi all! I plan to purchase my livestock from Clearwater at the end of march and I'm starting my tanks cycle this week. I went with 4oz of turbostart and fritz ammonia drops. I purchased used Florida rock from a bar member and bleached it. Never buying used rock again. After bleaching it it wasn't worth the savings over new Florida rock, especially with ebay sales.

I've decided to go for the six line if I cant find a pink streak wrasse anywhere. I'll read up on possibly introduce him after everyone else is established or whatever is the safest method.

I swapped out my pump for a wifi enabled jebao mdp-2500. I plan to get a Tunze commline DC skimmer after I get my build up and running.

TankAqeuon 40G Breeder
FilterFiji Cube DIY AIO kit w/ RFG nozzles
Return pumpJebao MDP-2500
Filter MediaGreatwave Eng Biohome Ultimate, filter floss, carbon
LightNooPsyche K7 V3 celling mounted
WavemakerJebao MLW-30 w/ nemguard
Rockused Florida dry rock
SandCarib Sea Fiji Pink
HeaterAqueon Pro 200W

Frozen Frostbite Clownfish2
Sixline wrasse1
bi color Blenny1
Yellow Watchman Goby1
Exquisite Firefish1
Royal Gramma1
Skunk Shrimp1
Randells Pistol Shrimp1
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6 lines are known aggressors. The can work, but I have heard more horror than success stories with them. There are other wrasses that do the same pest control and are much nicer. Carpenter, fairy, melanarus, and a few others would work and be in the same price range. Firefish do well in pairs too, consider a second. You could also do 2 pistol shrimp with the watchmen goby if you like.

I also wouldn't have bleached the rock as the used rock has value in the microbes it holds more than the shape it is in. Since that ship has sailed, you can get some live rock from a club member to seed things with pods and bacteria.

I also agree with the idea of slowly adding the cleanup crew, or wait to add that much until you almost have an algae problem, so you don't starve your cleanup crew,
If you can't get a chunk of live rock from a fellow reefer, ask if you can put a few pieces in their sump or tank for a few weeks so it can populate with beneficial critters. Even just marinepure balls will work for bacteria.

You will also get any pests the donor tanks has so proceed with caution.
If you can't get a chunk of live rock from a fellow reefer, ask if you can put a few pieces in their sump or tank for a few weeks so it can populate with beneficial critters. Even just marinepure balls will work for bacteria.

You will also get any pests the donor tanks has so proceed with caution.
That’s exactly why I started with dry rock and dip all my corals. My friends tank just finished cycling and I have had a large bag of biohome ultimate in his tank for weeks. I’ll use that to jumpstart my cycle.
6 lines are known aggressors. The can work, but I have heard more horror than success stories with them. There are other wrasses that do the same pest control and are much nicer. Carpenter, fairy, melanarus, and a few others would work and be in the same price range. Firefish do well in pairs too, consider a second. You could also do 2 pistol shrimp with the watchmen goby if you like.

I also wouldn't have bleached the rock as the used rock has value in the microbes it holds more than the shape it is in. Since that ship has sailed, you can get some live rock from a club member to seed things with pods and bacteria.

I also agree with the idea of slowly adding the cleanup crew, or wait to add that much until you almost have an algae problem, so you don't starve your cleanup crew,
Are any alternative wrasses 40 gallon compatible? I’m finding very little besides pink streaked wrasses.
I fully plan to slowly add my cleanup crew!
I used the fiji pink in the past beautiful color but starting at .5 grain size it was blowing around so switched to special grade which is 1.0 to 2 grain size. Tropic of eden flakes are cool...Think it comes to how much flow you want or need? the 40 breeder has alot floor real-estate but not that tall so not alot room for verticle powerhead placement unless it's on a low speed..I'm in the process of setting up a 40 breeder as well for a qt tank but it needs look nice since it will be in the dinning room so will have some corals and rock on a bare bottom easy to flip things around or out...Best of luck
Water and sand is in! Aqua scape goes in after I build it today. Then turbo start and established filter material to fishless cycle.


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