Our mission

Newby from Pacifica

Hello BAR folks! My name is Guillvin. You can call me Gil for short. I am a newby to aquariums, coral tanks especially. I really enjoy learning about the hobby and love the idea and goal of dbtc. I first heard of BAR from a guy named mike... I know there is a lot of guys named mike here. Asian guy who loves zoas... Really helpful when I bought my first corals from him. Gave me lots of resources in my journey of learning the hobby (including this club). I have a 55gal mix fish and coral. I started with zoas and have been addicted to them still. =) I have had zero tank crashes and minimal casualties because of forum sites and really nice people willing to help a fellow hobbiest. I am lucky to also have friends in the hobby before me like Bigmikey and Tam to raise the red flag when needed.
I have met a couple cool folks through dbtc and at BAYMAC, and am looking forward in meeting more. Thanks for reading!

Welcome to the club, Gil! Look forward to seeing some photos of your tank (you can link your photos on this site if they are loaded into a photobucket account).