Reef nutrition

Night time photography


If you want a nice shot of traffic and the TransAmerica Pyramid there is a great place at the top of Montgomery and Green street. Could also get some great shots of the Ferry Bldg. Used to live up there and the views are spectacular.
seminolecpa said:

If you want a nice shot of traffic and the TransAmerica Pyramid there is a great place at the top of Montgomery and Green street. Could also get some great shots of the Ferry Bldg. Used to live up there and the views are spectacular.

Thanks Bryan! Looks like I've got the inside scoop being that you used to live there! I know exactly where I will be going Friday evening :D Thanks!!!

sfboarders said:
Looks good Anthony! On a tripod? What shutter speed you shoot at?

Tripod for sure -Sixteen second expoure! :) Any longer and the headlights from oncoming traffic would have been completely botched and overexposed.
kinetic said:

What is that?! A pay phone?! Didn't know they still existed! Haha! Just kidding...great photo Art. Man you guys are real pros. The walls in my home wouldn't be so blank if I could photograph as well as you guys.

The bright streak on the lower right is Jupiter!
Been playing around with my new camera and trying to learn as much as possible. Went out and took some night shots the other night. I would appreciate any advice/criticism to help me get better at taking better pictures!

Willie Mays Plaza:

SF from Potrero Hill:

Bay Bridge from Treasure Island:

A couple of downtown SF from Treasure Island:

I got the Rebel t2i camera with the 15-85mm lens. Here were the settings for each pic:

Willie Mays pic - f5, 4sec shutter speed, ISO 100
SF from Potrero - f5, 20sec shutter speed, ISO 100
Bay Bridge - f9, 10sec shutter speed, ISO 400
First SF shot - f9, 8sec shutter speed, ISO 400
Second SF shot - f10, 30sec shutter speed, ISO 100
Those are some nice pictures Durwin -you'll have your own print on your new condominium walls in no time :)
Did you use a tripod for these pictures? What camera mode did you shoot in?
Seems the weather cooperated with you too! :)
The Willie Mays Plaza shot is stunning. Not sure if it is because of the high detail with so many different light, but I like this one more then the others.
Thanks guys for all the comments.

Ant, I did use a small tripod. It's one of those joby gorilla tripods. Also, I think I shot most in manual mode but some might have been shot with the aperture priority setting.