Cali Kid Corals

Nirvana Poly I got from Coral Swap is growing too fast


Supporting Member
Hello Everyone. I got a Nirvana Poly from the last coral swap in Cali Kid in March. I can tell this Coral is fast growing and maybe a little to fast for my tank. Any advice for keeping it in check?
Thanks @Finnaddict for supplying so many corals. I got a few with your name on them. I just want to take care of this before it becomes a problem.

Thank You
we had a grow out contest with this zoa few years ago and went totally out of control.

It was this nasty beast.

we had a grow out contest with this zoa few years ago and went totally out of control.
It was this nasty beast.

You guys are scaring me. I am going to stick it in a low light corner of the tank until the next Coral Swap. I hate killing things so maybe someone else will like it? But I would hate someone else to get this beast. Maybe I should bury it in the garden? I have only had it for 3 weeks and I can see how fast it is growing and it is scary and I have already trimmed it back once.