Neptune Aquatics

Not very extreme-Montipora Vietnamesis

Funny how some things grow like weed for me but others very slow compared to the same coral in someone elses tank. I notice all my monti caps and encrusting like sunset, indo superman, rainbow... all grow slow compared to other corals. My caps for example never grew out from the edges but have been encrusting for months and finally they are starting to grow away from the rocks.


Here it is in my tank, as Aldie described perfectly, it's like highlighter yellow.
It should have orange polyps, like in the picture I put up of that exact same frag. How long did it take for the polyps to change to white? I had it on the side of my frag tank, in a lower light area.
It had white polyps when I put it in the tank. Not sure what happened to it, I had it in my cooler that whole day that had a hot water bottle in it. It's been in a moderate flow/moderate light area of my tank since I got it. I'm going to move it back a bit into a slightly lower light area and see what happens.