Ok, I'm confused...I thought we already signed up for this and RSVP'd. Now that's wiped out and we need to jump back in line somewhere? Put me down for 10:25am. I still want to go as I was RSVP'd previously as well.
My issue is I've got my 8yo daughter tagging along with me that day and she can't do the tour..Tyler it seems the 1:25 spot is not very attractive. Keep your hopes up. You can bring your daughter if spots don't fill up.
Also there are now 15 spots available for both groups![]()
If you are looking for people who want to go to this, please put me on the list. Thanks
Information Posted on 10/24/2015
Wahoo BAR is going to the Steinhart to do a Behind-the-Scenes Tour! We will be escorted below ground to see how the aquariums within the Steinhart Aquarium operate. You'll see how a professional aquarium maintains the tanks behind the front glass and how they uses large scale equipment to maintain their beautiful aquariums.
Tour Information
There will be two separate groups of 15 people each. One group will meet at 10:25AM and the other group will meet at 1:25PM. Meet at the Tyranosaurus Rex Skeleton in front. Each tour will last approximately 1 Hour. You will have to pay for your own general admission but the tour is free. Check out the rest of the CA Academy of Sciences after you're done.
Your Tour Guide
BAR we are so lucky! The tour will be led by Steinhart Aquarium Biologist, Matt Wandell, who was a speaker at MACNA 2015 in Washington DC this year. Matt is taking time out of his busy biologist schedule to give the club a tour of the facilities. You will get so much more information from Matt since the tours are normally led by volunteers/tour staff.
How To Sign Up
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This is a special opportunity that most people do not have access to so I really encourage you to ask him lots of questions! Like those Pygmy Seahorses he took care of.
Due to limited space we are limited to 30 people for this tour. Only Supporting Members can attend this tour which means no friends/family unless they are a supporting member. When November 9th comes, if there are open spots available, we can accommodate non club-members (familys, friends, lurkers) but you still have to choose a group and post in this thread.
Matt will be leading two groups for this tour. One group will meet at 10:25AM and the other will meet at 1:25PM.
Do not be late! We are leaving exactly at 10:25AM and exactly at 1:25AM.
Post in this thread and let us know which group you want to be in.
10:25AM Group (Meet at the T-Rex)
1) @Vhuang168
2) @Nav
3) @JKnox
4) @Jay Lee
5) @RobMcC
6) @jonmos75
7) @FangBlenny
8) @DivingTheWorld
9) @fixedpoint
1:25PM Group (Meet at the T-Rex)
1) @naterock101
2) @wpeterson
3) @RussW
4) @MolaMola
5) @2manyhobbies
Some of you RSVPd a long time ago but are not supporting members and we recently learned that the tour will be split so....I'm sorry your previous RSVPs are not helpful in setting this up.