got ethical husbandry?

nuvoskim dc protein skimmer help


Supporting Member
hi guys so i have a 30 gal tank. with 6 gal refugium.
i have
2 clowns
1 chromis
1 cardinal
1 fire fish

1 emerald crab
2 snails

2 anemoes
3 zoa colonies
4 ricordea mushrooms
3 torches

now ive had the skimmer since june. i hardly ever have to empty it, maybe once or twice a month. now when i try to lower it the cup will end up floating up and the bubbles escape via the sides of the cup. is it normal to have to place something on top. i would assume no. any ideas. i feed a cube every other day, then a pinch of flakes in between the cubes. thanks
Skimmers can go crazy.
Often when something dies. Maybe a snail. Have you counted your fish?
But it can be contaminants on your hands. Did you wash with soap and not rinse quite enough?
You definitely get it when adding some chemicals like Chemiclean

But is it normal, no.

so the bubbles will push the cup up then once the rubber stopper lifts up, the bubbles escape out the side, instead of going up through the collection cup. its been doing it for a long time. its almost as if not im running a skimmer due to the lack of waste being taken out. been testing my water once a week. think ill go woth out the skimmer for a bit, and see if anything changes
Have you taken the skimmer out and given it a good clean ? I know that HOB and AOI skimmers get a lot of gunk stuck in places they shouldn’t be and could be blocking something inside the skimmer.
Have you taken the skimmer out and given it a good clean ? I know that HOB and AOI skimmers get a lot of gunk stuck in places they shouldn’t be and could be blocking something inside the skimmer.

ill do that today
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Try adjusting the rubber seal around the cup of the skimmer down the throat of it and make slight adjustments from there. Weekly maintenance would be a good form of knowing if there is build up in the Venturi. Nano stuff gets dirty fast